Chapter 20

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"Why did he do this to you?" I ask. He hesitates, not meeting my eyes. "Niall?" "There's something I need to tell you. It's something that happened a few years ago and I regret what I was involved in. I thought I was completely done with them but obviously not. It's not my fault Brinley, I'm not that person anymore." He starts to ramble, which gets me nervous. "Niall what is it?" I shake his shoulders lightly.

He takes a deep breath, "Okay listen... So before the incident and before I hit my head, I was getting involved with the wrong crowd. I - I'm pretty sure I was in this gang."

He knits his eyebrows together in concentration.

"It was pretty bad. I never killed anyone or anything, but I did beat up a few people. We did drugs, smoked, and drank. I thought I was the shit and everything, but I wasn't - I'm not. We were going in one day - a group of us - to bust this guys' house. He owed some money or something. We were too cocky and arrogant and the guy fought back pretty hard with some of his own guys. It was a pretty epic fight -" He smiles at this part.

"But then I was beating up this guy and he shoved me back. I hit my head on the edge of the counter top and I don't remember anything after that. Well you know, until now."

"Do you remember anything else?"

"Not anything about my parents, or family. But I remember most about the gang."

"Is there anything else?"

"Ugh." He groans and holds his head in his hands.

"This stupid fucking oath."

"You don't have to tell me. It's okay babe."

"No! I want - need to tell you."

He grabs my hands, bringing me closer to him. I smile, reaching my hands into his back pockets. When my fingers close around a letter, I draw back in confusion.

"What's this?" I ask, breaking the seal.

"None of your business."

Niall snatches the letter from my fingers and stands up. He walks to his bunk bed, and climbs up, unfolding the papers. Sensing that I'm not wanted, I turn around ready to head back home when I remember I don't have one.


I stomp over to my bed and refuse to watch her leave. I slowly unfold the papers, curious and apprehensive.

Dear Niall,

We miss you so much honey, and are so sorry that we never sent any thing else but checks your way. I think we were too worried that you wouldn't forgive us for leaving you at the hospital, but we had no choice. Your father was so caught up in his work, and with the stress of your health - we forgot to pick you up.

They forgot to pick me up from a damn hospital in another fucking country? How can you not notice a missing person? I'm about to rip the paper up to shreds but out flutters a check. I bite my tongue to keep from screaming. They think that they can buy my forgiveness? If anything, it makes it worse. I glance at the numbers and see that this time, I'm given $10,000, rather than $100. This changes things. I pick up the letter and decide to keep reading.

Inside is enclosed a $10,000 check. We want you to come to Florida and see us over the summer. This money should pay for airfare, and anything else that you might need for your trip down here. We'll be waiting at the airport June 6 for you. Please come.

With much love,

Mom and Dad

Now I take the opportunity to rip up the pages. This is incredible. For a second I thought they might care, just a little, but all they want is to create that 'perfect family image' for dad's company. They don't care about me. They never will. I keep ripping up the parchment until I'm surrounded by it.

I take the check however and muse over it. I decide to keep it, wanting to blow the money extravagantly - not on stupid airfare. Just as I think I'm done with everything, a thought slowly creeps into my brain. Why the hell did Damon give this to me? Are my parents somehow involved with everything? Do they know I was involved with the gang? I rub my hands over my face, extremley exhausted.


I walk outside and hop in my car, debating whether or not to go home and get clothes or go somewhere else. The hospital. I smile and start the car up, starting the drive to go and see Wesley. A few minutes later, and I creep into her room, seeing her sitting on the window sill this time instead of her hospital bed.

"Wesley?" I call out, cautious. She turns her head and I see that a few tears had slipped down her cheeks.

"Brinley?" She asks, confused.

"What did you forget me?" I joke.

She bites her lip and stays still for a few seconds before running into my arms. I smile and hug her back lightly.

"Wesley have you lost weight?" I ask, squatting down to her height.

"Just a few pounds, nothing big." She says, twisting her fingers around her pajamas.

"Alright." I say, not truly believing her words.

"Hey, you know what?" I ask her, leading her to her bed. She hops up and sits in my lap. I start combing her hair back with my fingers.

"Once school is out, we're going to escape. I'm going to take you on a road trip - just us, and we're going to have so much fun."

"Will Niall come?"

"Not even Niall. Just us."

She smiles and hugs my waist.

"Thanks Brinley."

I smile and keep playing with her hair.

"Let's go to Florida. I've never been to Disney Land."

"Well that's where we'll go."

For the next hour, we plan our trip - even what food we'll eat in the car. I look outside and notice it's dark, plus I have five missed calls from Niall. I don't bother listening to the voicemails and shove my phone deeper into my pockets.

"Brinley I'm gonna go." I whisper in her ear and start standing up.

"Do you have to?" She asks, looking sad.

"Don't worry! I'll be here tomorrow. Before you know it, we'll be cruising down the highway to Florida."

She nods and gives a sad smile.

"Brinley, honey what's wrong?" I ask her.

"I just - I want to live until I'm really old like you will. I want to live forever." She whimpers and starts crying.

"Oh honey." I say, pulling her in for a hug. I smooth the back of her head and whisper in her ear.

"You're going to live forever. You're going to beat this and you'll live with me. You're going to see great things and meet great people. But right now, you need to focus on getting better, alright?"

I pull back and she sniffles, but nods.

"I love you Brinley."

"I love you Wesley. Don't forget our road trip."

She nods and gives a light giggle.

"I'll try not to."

She smiles but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. Just as I'm walking out, I feel her bear hug me again.

"I love you Brinley." She repeats.

"I love you too, now I gotta go."

I kiss her forehead and leave the hospital, intent on seeing her bright, shining face tomorrow. Little did I know, the road trip would never happen, and I would never see her smile again.

All I'm asking is for you guys to check out my new series called "Imagines' and to give your feedback, thank you! :)

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