Chapter 7

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As we were walking up to the front door Blaine said, "every guy has a girl and you are my girl." Like what's that suppose to mean? I now know that this ginormous house isn't all to himself. This doesn't add up, so all the 'guys' have also kidnapped someone? Why hasn't this been on the news like ever? Will I ever be on the news? It's not like anyone is going to notice that I'm gone. Are they these girls from the same place? These are all the questions that are running through my head.

"Are you the last to 'get a girl'" I asked Blaine, I can't ask questions. I'm just showing my stupidity at this point.

"Yes, but for many reasons." Blaine opened the door to the car and pulled me out. His arms wrapping around me so the only thing I could move was my legs. But I wasn't even walking, it was more like dragging. He moves me all along the drive way to the enormous front door, that match's the house perfectly.

Since the front door was big,the foyer was huge, probably double the size of my room. Ok more like 3 times the size of my room. He took me around the 1st floor of the house, showing me the living room, kitchen, laundry room, and many other rooms with furniture in it. He doesn't say any words throughout it, but I could understand what it is. But throughout the whole first floor, no one is found, not a single soul is down here.

Blaine stops at a door, saying "This is the basement, but I wouldn't show you it now. I hope you never need to go in it." What on earth is that suppose to mean. Does he expect for me to know what his little sentences of explaining mean? I'm scared and lost. I don't belong here. I belong at my house, doing homework before I go to sleep and repeat the same thing for the entire week.

Holy shit, I think to myself.

"Did you just swear at me?" Did I just say that out loud? Ah oh.

I thought I said it in my head. I don't even remember forming words that came out of my mouth.

"Birdy just make sure you don't swear again." He goes soft after he says that, he loosens his grip on my and looks at me with compassion. He's never done this, but he doesn't smile.

"Okay Blaine." I said scared out of my body. Why is he acting like this, he seems likes he's bipolar. Always switching up on me. I don't understand, but I don't think I'm suppose to.

He knows I'm scared, he can tell, I know he's going to use it against me. Blaine shows me to the stairs that are in the front foyer, stairs on both sides, curving up to the 2nd floor. We walk up them, more like he drags me up then. I look around all the doors are closed. I think that's where everyone is, being out of Blaine's way. His way of scaring me even more.

"And Birdy this is our room." He emphasizes the our. Hell no, I'm not sharing a room with him. And especially not a bed, sleeping next to him reeks me.

He opens the door at the end of the hall, he basically shoves me in it, and then follows. It's the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. It's cleaned and organized, the room is a navy blue but it's still light from all the windows, it's obvious it's a boys room.

"Wait Blaine there's only one bed?" I say. Again another dumb question. Why why why. I know why there's only one bed, but I will not be sleeping in it.

"We will be sharing Birdy." He says with a smirk on his face. This must be his form of torture.

"Birdy I gotta go down stairs. Don't try leaving, all the windows are locked. Bye now." He turns around and goes out the door, not even leaving me a time to respond or barely even turn around to see him leave.

I didn't even get to say anything to that. He left and locked the door. I look through the first door in the bedroom and saw a bathroom, cleaner then I expected. Towels on the racks, shampoo, conditioner and soap, he's organized. Very organized, the opposite of me basically. I look in the cabinet under the sink and see condoms, cleaning supplies and women's sanitary items. Wow I thought he must of been planning this for a while. He wouldn't just have this stuff in his bathroom randomly. He knew of me to begin with. He knew of me before he even came into the restaurant. He lied. Did he?

I walk out of the bathroom and walk through the other door. It was a closet. On one side there was Blaine's clothes, a variety. Suits, ties, but also a lot of sweatshirts, old t-shirts, jeans and sweatpants. The other side was women's clothes and new clothes all my size, sweatpants, leggings, nice shirts, and dresses. A lot of dresses. But some of them were my clothes. They sticked out like a sore thumb against all of the new ones.

I change out of my dirty clothes. I take one of my old, oversized t-shirt and a pair of the new sweatpants.

I look around Blaine's room to see what I can do. I'm bored. He took my phone and there was no t.v in the room. I go and lay down on the bed. (Its really a king size bed) I look at the ceiling scared out of my mind. I think I fell asleep because the last thing I remember is staring  at the ceiling

Blaine's Pov
After I lock Birdy in the bedroom. I knock on every door telling all the guys to come down to the living room. As I get down stairs to the first floor, I see Daniel, the boss was already on the couch. All the boys come down with there girls and Daniel asking me "did you get her here all right?"

"Yes sir I did?"

"What did you tell the girl about us, should we be in danger?"

"No I told her nothing about us, nothing really about me."

"Good Job Blaine. Go back up at get her."

And I do what I was told.

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