Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

When I woke up I was completely oblivious as to where I was but once I saw the familar painting that my parents insisted on putting down here, my memory came back. I rubbed my face with one hand and got up to put my hair in a messy bun. I sat back down on the scattered sheets and grabbed my phone. The first thing I did was go on Twitter. Everyone was already tweeting about the special appearence from Dallas, Grier, and Reynolds. I felt empty inside all of a sudden. I couldn't stop reading the comments from people who said they were going. A tear started to make its way down my cheek. Crying at 10:00 already? Eh, what the hell. Its not like I'm the only one missing out on this. Lindsey can't go either. 

Apparently Lindsey had woken up and I hadn't even noticed. "What's wrong Tera?" She got me by surprise. "Oh uh nothing, its...its nothing." I didn't want her to be all bummed out about the reappearence of the guys too. "T, whats REALLY going on?" She sat up more waiting for me to spill it. I had no other choice but to tell her. "Well....apparently Cam, Nash, and Carter are coming to L.A for their very last Magcon." Her jaw dropped slightly and it was dead silent for a while. 

"I'm gonna save up every little penny to get you to that convention if it'sthe last thing I do. I'm gonna force Noah and Rachel to save up as well." I can tell that she was already planning out everything in her head. "No Lis you don't need to do that for me. It's not a big deal anyway." She looked about ready to slap me. "WHAT?! Magcon is a HUGE deal, dude!" I shrugged and dragged her upstairs to get some breakfast. "Parents aren't home right now, work. So help yourself to anything you want." I said chomping on an apple. 

"Hey do wanna go to he skate park? I heard the rest of the Four were going to hang out there." Lindsey asked. "Sure why not." Lindsey borrowed some jeans and a regular t-shirt. I put on some shorts, a white top and tied a flannel around my waste. I grabbed my penny board while Lindsey took my long board and we headed out.

"I heard Brice is cheating on Lexi." Lis yelled over to me as we skated down the street. "Really? I knew he had a thing for Katherine but I didn't want to say anything." I hollered back. I don't know why but feeling the texture of pavement roll under me just felt so amazing. I felt free. Like I could go any where or do anything or even BE anything. I loved it just as much as Lindsey loves chocolate covered strawberries. "Weren't you friends with Katherine in seventh grade?" I could hardly hear Lis over the sound of wheels on cement. "Yeah, she came over a few times. But only to talk about how much she loves Justin Bieber and One Direction." It got quite annoying hearing Harry Styles' name fiftey times a minute. Don't get me wrong, I love the guys but I've just become less fond over the years. 

Being a Sophmore changes your view on life in a way. You feel like the things you once really enjoyed were now too maintream for you. You feel more aware of reality, which sucks by the way. I rather be rebellious and live my life an be free or, how you say, YOLO (Which also became too immature for me but non-the-less, I still use it occasionally). After about ten minutes we arrived at the park. We sat on our little wall with the other members of the groupand just watched the day do by. We don't usually ride at the skate park. We bring boards to look cool and just talk for hours. Its peaceful actually. 

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