Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I caught my breath outside but continued to hug my knee's. I didn't really want Nash to find me so I hoped that he wouldn't come around here. I was behind Taco Bell crounched on the ground. I was deep in my thoughts that I didn't even hear anyone coming. "Tera? Why are you back here?" I looked up and Nash was there. Damn it. I didn't answer. He then grabbed my hands and helped me up. Once I was standing I hugged him.

Tighter, more passionate, limper, then before. "Please talk to me." I dug my face in the crease of his neck and then lifted my neck a little bit. "Noah's back." Is all I said. I felt his grip tighten on me and it was comforting. When he let go he looked at me straight in the eye's. "We're going to walk in there hand in hand and if that jerk says anything just pretend that he's invisible." I nodded and wiped my tears. He took my hand and we walked to the front doors. I saw Noah still flirting with Tristen as we entered the building. He was saying something when he looked up and noticed me. I know he wanted to say something but didn't have the guts. I gave a serious look his way and then sat at the table with the guys.

"Hey were'd you guys go? Making out again?" Usually I would be mad at Taylor for saying that sort of thing but it defintialy got Noah's attention. "We just needed to talk. That's all." Nash said stuffing his face with fries. Every now and then I would look towards Noah and he would look towards me but in the end I just stoped caring about what he was doing. I had a great rest of the day. Hung out with my favorite guy and totally dissed my least favorite guy. We arrived back at the hotel and sadly everyone had to pack. "Hey can I talk to about something?" Lindsey asked me.

"Sure." We went out in the hallway. "What's up?" I said shoving my hands into my back pockets. "You saw Noah too, right?" I sighed. "Of course I did." I looked away. "Listen, I need you to not be mad at me if I tell you this." I looked back at her worried. "Tell me what?" She bit her lip. "I talked to him when you guys were eating." My eye's practically bulged out of me. "Well what did you guys say?" She began right away. "Well, I got up to "go to the bathroom" and ended up running into him outside. I pulled him aside and he told Tristen to wait in the car. I asked him why he's back. He told me that his parents kicked him out so he's livng with Tristen. But get this, he asked if you were ok." I stopped her there.

"Why would he care?" She took a deep breath and continued. "He doesn't. I started shouting at him. I said, "She's never going to talk to you again! She has Nash now, you lost your chance you no good trader!" He then came back twice as strong. He said to me, "You better tell Tera that if she doesn't break up with Nash by tomorrow night then I'll make sure that she and her family suffers. Now go beliver the message you little bitch." He started to walk to his car. I yelled at him from across the lot, "No. The only bitch around here is you. You don't even have the balls to confront her yourself. Proving that you're scared." I wouldn't just throw away what he said. He's serious T." I took in a hardy breath and sat on the carpet. Tears poured out as I tried to think of other ways that this could be solved. I couldn't find anything that helped.

I looked up at her and she looked down at me. "I can't let him hurt my family. He knows more than he should. He can only make things worse.....I have to...b-break up with Nash." I started cry harder. "You can't let him know why because he can only make things worse too." She said. I stared off into space. "I'll tell him tonight. So you can let Noah know that we're not..." She nodded so didn't have to finish. I left the hotel and went straight home. I put on some nice clothes and headed to the ledge where Nash and I had ice cream that one time. I texted Nash, on the way, to meet me there.

I stood on the rock and gazed up at the stars and I had been crying for a while now. I just didn't want to hear the russel of the leaves behind me and the sound of that familar accent that I fell in love with. I didn't want to do this but I had to save my family. I know what you're thinking. What could Noah do that's so harmful? If it were me I wouldn't break up with him. This is stupid, what is she doing? But Noah knows a lot about my family that no one else does. Not even Lindsey. I have things that I keep between Noah and I and things that I keep between Lindsey and I.

Suddenly I heard the leaves russel and I started to cry yet I didn't turn around. "Hey Tera, what did you want to talk about?" I looked down and sniffled so that he knew I was crying. "Tera?" I knew that he wasn't so sure if he should come over to me or stay. "I love you. So much...but..." I was cut off. "But what..." I turned around slowly and looked up at him. "But, I have to go. We have to...split." I fell into a sob. Nash put his hands on my shoulder and tried to get me to look up at him.

"Whoa Tera, slow down. Tell me what's going on." I shook my head. "I can't it's not you, its..." He hugged me but I didn't hug back. "Please tell me what's going on." I pushed him away. "Maybe one day someone will tell you. Someone who isn't me." I started to leave. "Wait, Tera!" I kept walking but he did not follow me. I got into a taxi and headed home. Lindsey was there already because I had asked her to be there for me.

When I got inside I fell onto the couch and cried. Lindsey rubed my back and made positive remarks which didn't seem to help. She started talking to someone on the phone and of course it was Nash who was yelling out of control because he was worried. "Nash, just leave it be. I'm sorry for the break up. Why do you want to know so badly. I guess that's true but there's reasons we can't tell you. Trust me. I'm sorry but I have to go, bye." She hung up. I can't even imagine how Nash must be feeling.

The next few days just consisted of daily check ups from Lindsey and my parents, Pretty LittleLiars, and naps. When about four days went by Lindsey called me and told me that we couldn't hang out that afternoon and when I asked her why she just said she had something to do. She's never secretive with me. It was weird. But with all thats been going on, that's the least thing I'm worried about.

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