fifteen || upheaval

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[Haha! I might have found a way to keep me motivated to write a couple more chapters and draw it out two at least twenty! But it's a maybe!]

upheaval : strong or violent change or disturbance, as in a society

"Guess who can finally start training again!" Georgia announced when she walked into the locker room that afternoon, holding her clearance forms with excitement sprawled across her face. They started cheering along with her, and she took her forms to the medical staff, who welcomed her back warmly. She had been coaching this team alongside Laura and Jason, and she still would continue to since she was not available to play yet. The team had been doing well throughout the season, and since it is later in the year, games were going to start picking up and the competition was only going to get better. They had gone unbeaten in the first five weeks of games, which was a good sign for the rest of the season. With her schedule, she had only been able to be with the team for home games, but most of them had been home to start.

She laced up her boots and walked out with the rest of the team, excited to start training with the team again. They took pictures, and Georgia would be sure to find pictures from throughout training, but she was glad to have been back today. She planned on doing Monday through Thursday training sessions, doing one session per day. Other sessions she would still be on the sidelines when she could be and was not working at the firehouse. She had not touched a soccer ball in a while, so she was curious where she was going to be. She was conditioned, thankfully, for everyday between training and her shifts at the firehouse she ran two miles. She had been doing it since she was cleared to start working at the firehouse.

"Alright, let's start with down and back across the field, then we'll stretch out and split up." Laura announced over them, and they all stood up from their places on the turf. "GJ, come here for a second, the rest of you get going." She said, and they all started their warm up.

"Yeah coach?" She asked, eagerly wanting to just go warm up with her team.

"Welcome back, how are you feeling?" Laura asked.

"Thanks, and I feel great. I mean, my skills might be a little rusty, but I'm conditioned and ready to just ease back into things." She responded truthfully.

"Well today you, Abby, Nicole, and Jason are going to take things easy until you feel up to doing more. I don't want to hear any excuses because you haven't had a ball nailed at your face since last year." She instructed, and Georgia just shrugged.

"You got it, coach." She said with no argument, which seemed to surprise her.

"Well alright then, go warm up with the rest of your team." She said, and she nodded, jogging off to the stretching lines that had been formed. She joined in and felt like she was at home. It had been way too long since she had last felt like this, and she felt like her old self before the accident. She just hoped that she would still be able to be the brick wall she was when going up against the competition.

Eventually she was able to get into the net with Smith and Barnhart, Jason explaining the drill to them and the three of them getting to work. He asked numerous times how she was doing, and she felt great. She had blocked every shot that had come at her so far and she felt as if she had not just missed half the season and had been training since they started two months ago.

"You're looking good, GJ. It's like you never left!" Kelley complimented as they took their last water break before getting into a scrimmage. She would sub in for Barnhart, but for now she was able to be her coaching side and help the team go against each other. When it was time for her to get in net, she hoped that she would defend the net as well as she had during drills. She was, even though she would never admit it, a little nervous getting back in. It was not until she got an easy shot at her that her nerves went away for the time being. She faced some good shots from the opposition, the only one getting away from her being an upper ninety shot from Press. She got her fingertips to it, but it was not enough to stop it from going into the back of the net.

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