two || supine

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[ Sorry if the formatting is messed up, but my internet is being weird so I'm publishing from my phone. I'll go back and fix it later if there are any problems! ]

supine : lying face upwards

"Move ladies, move! Our first game is in three days against France! Got to get focused because right now, there's not a lot of focus!" Jill Ellis shouted at them as they ran through conditioning drills. It was the last twenty minutes of training for the day, and they had been warned about this conditioning. Yes, it would make them better, but it was hell in the sun they were playing in in the early afternoon. Georgia had been tolerating it, they had gone through this before since they arrived in Tokyo two weeks ago to get used to the climate they were playing in.

"Georgia, you doing okay?" Carli asked when they crossed paths.

"Why do you ask?" She questioned in return, because this was the worst she felt all week.

"You're not looking like yourself. Take a break if you need one." She responded, and Georgia nodded.

"I'll be okay." She muttered, and Carli nodded, but neither one of them was convinced. Georgia knew she was overworking herself, but she needed to keep going to keep her mind from going to other places where it should not be. Between the Olympics, her job at the firehouse, her upcoming wedding, and her everlasting argument with Antonio, she had been going nonstop, and she knew it was not going to end well if she continued on.

"Georgia?" Alex called down to her. She opened her eyes as water was poured on her face. Somehow, she had ended up on the turf. She had not remembered collapsing, but evidently, she had, and now everyone was crowding her and water from the bottles was being squirted on her face.

"What happened?" She said softly, sitting up on her elbows.

"Easy there, tiger. Lay back down." Dawn warned sharply her as she walked over with Jill. "You passed out, GJ. You know you're supposed to tell us when you need a break." She commented.

"I didn't realize that I was feeling off, honest. I remember running through drills then next thing I know I'm on the turf." Georgia answered defensively. Jill dismissed the team for the rest of the day, their training session ending early. They were hesitant about leaving their teammate, but eventually they walked off to the sidelines, leaving the three of them near the center of the field.

"It's okay, you're not losing your spot over it. You just need to tell me when you need a break, okay? I don't need you to end your career over something we can control." Jill said lowly so only she could hear. Dawn made sure she was stable enough so head back to the hotel so she could rest there without hospitalization.

"Everything looks good, just a little too much ambition and too little water. You have to keep hydrated and get enough sleep if you want to stay healthy without a spleen, okay?" Dawn said, forcing a bottle of water into her hand. Georgia just nodded, and the two of them helped her to her feet. She felt a little dizzy as she got to her feet, but she hobbled her way to the sidelines, sitting down on the turf to switch out of her cleats. Carli squeezed her shoulder, Georgia resting her hand over it to assure her she was alright.

"Ladies, take a moment to think about your health. Yes, Georgia has something missing from her, quite literally, but you all need to stay hydrated, well rested, and eat properly. We don't need anymore of you out. Everyone, take the day off tomorrow, you deserve it. I think we'll be okay for France on Tuesday. We'll have a light training on Monday, then it's go time on Tuesday. Dismissed." Jill announced to all of them, and there seemed to be a break in the tension that had been eating at them for the past two weeks. The four coaches walked away and the team remained, taking their cleats off and getting ready to walk back to their hotel.

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