Looking back again, I managed to lose Max but Akshay was bumper to bumper with me. Growling I did a sharp turn, he followed in pursuit. Cursing under my breathe, I grabbed hold of a boulder and dug my claws in as I brought myself around and did a U-turn, thinking that I lost him I was astonished as he did a back-flip off a tree as he spiraled right toward me. Diving to the side he skidded against a tree but quickly gained posture and bolted after me.

After awhile of running my legs were starting to ache, I wasn't suppose to be a runner maybe a fighter but I'm starting to reconsider that statement now. Starting to slack a little bit, I felt a little bite as Akshay nipped at my back leg. I realized that he could've caught me awhile ago but he hasn't, he's enjoying this as much as Max was. Thinking of something quickly, I just did what my aching muscles were begging me to do. I did a complete stop, my claws digging into the dirt. Akshay ran into me and flew foreword over my head. When he was going to do a body slam against the oak tree, he caught himself as his claws dug into the bark and held him there like a lizard. He watched me as he slithered down, I backed up, not able to muster anymore energy to run I shifted back. My chest rising and falling, Akshay shifted as well, he walked toward me.

He backed me up to a tree, sweat dripping down both our faces. There was a twinkle in his eyes, "You done yet?"

Suddenly I was pulled into the passenger seat as my wolf was sick of watching. Like lightning she snatched his neck, she looked up into his eyes, pure red was shown back at her.

"Hell no." She growled, and it wasn't my growl, she had a whole new growl all together that was more strong and dignified. She threw him to the ground, he did the weird worm thing as he flipped himself back up, putting up her fists Akshay did the same.

She threw the first blow, Akshay easily blocked it and countered as he flipped her over his back, but unluckily for him she knew how to approach it as she went between his legs and flipped him over. Grabbing his wrist she turned him over and threw him at a tree, she waited.

"You must be Scarlette Hemming's wolf." He stated pulling himself out, blood pouring on the side of his lip.

"How do you know?" She snarled, she didn't trust him.

"Well first Scarlette doesn't sound like that, second she doesn't fight like that either." He said like he was doing a first grade spelling-B.

Feeling her frustration towards him, she launched. Diving down to sweep his legs, he jumped out of the way but quickly returned as he pulled her hands behind her back. He bent down and whispered in her ear, "Look I don't want to fight, Max wants this, do you really want to abide to his wishes?"

She stomped on his foot when she head butted him against the nose, Akshay's nose now running with blood. He let go as my wolf shifted, obviously she didn't want the same thing happening again.

"I don't care what Max thinks, he killed Scar's and my family, I can never forgive him!" Akshay dived out of the way once more as she lunged. Doing a sick turn as she landed on the ground, her back bent a weird way and landed on his back, tearing his shirt off into strips as she sunk her teeth into his shoulder blade.

Akshay howled in agony and shifted, trying to shake her off, he found that a bad idea very quick as patches of timber fur flew everywhere. Digging her claws into his back he yowled in more pain as he tried scrapping her off. After a power struggle for 5 minutes, Max spoke from a distance. "Very disappointing Akshay, can't even throw her off!"

"Yes sir," Akshay nodded, my wolf bit down harder. Looking over Max was gone than a elephant weighted wolf leaped onto her back. Feeling Max's sharp fangs dig into either side of her jugular he lifted her up, her legs dangling off Akshay's back.

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