You just laugh a little too and stare down at your shoes as you walk, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Lunch tiiiiiime!" Jenna sings, doing that same little dance she does all the time.

"Can we go to the music room?" Tyler suggests, grabbing Jenna's hand. They are so cute, you think.

"Yay! I wanna practice our new song!" Josh cheers and speeds up his walking.

"Song?" You question, and he slows down next to you.

"Me and Tyler have a band" He states proudly, giving you a toothy grin.

You almost gasp because of how impressed you are and he just giggles.

"You'll see" Tyler says mysteriously, turning left down a corridor and pushing open some double doors.

Tyler collapses on the floor dramatically, sits up and pulls what looks like a burrito from his bag. He taps the floor next to him, inviting everyone to sit down.

You take a seat across from him, and Jenna sits next to you.

"How has your first day been?" Tyler says through a mouthful of food, almost choking.

Josh shakes his head like a disappointed father as he sits down next to Tyler. "Remember your floor manners, Tyler" he says, which makes you laugh, and he flashes you a smile.

"It went a lot better than I thought it would" you say, Jenna nods along, chugging some water. She finally swallows
"I'm glad!"

"I liked art, that was fun" you think back to Jenna dropping paint on the floor, and it getting all over some poor girls shoes. You laugh, eager to explain.

"Jenna dropped paint all over this girls shoes"

Tyler acts shocked and Josh just laughs out loud.

"ok, befORE YOU JUDGE!" Jenna starts, holding back a laugh. "It was Y/N who was distracting me!"

You shrug and flick your hair over your shoulder "Well, I am distracting" you say sarcastically.

Jenna lets out her laugh as well as the boys and you just shake your head. You felt awesome that you made Josh laugh, which you thought was kinda silly.

"Wait are you actually, like, good at drawing and stuff though?" Josh asks sincerely.

You shrug. "Yeah I don't know, I'm not that great at it - but like, the lessons are waaay better than math."

"Math sucks" Josh says and takes a bite of his food.

"Agreed" Tyler chuckles.

"You guys wanna do something after school? We won't have any home work today" Jenna suggests. You get pretty hopeful.

"Yeah!" Josh says with enthusiasm, looking to Tyler for confirmation.

"Mhm, but where?"

"The arcade? I heard there are some new games."

"There is an arcade here? That's so cool!" You exclaim with a grin.

"Yeah, and we are all going!" Jenna announces, getting up and chucking everyone's trash in the bin.

"What time are you free?" she looks at you hopefully.

You sigh, "literally any time"

"haha same" Jenna says, "I'm not just saying that as a joke like I'm free whenever" you both giggle.

"I can pick everyone up?" Josh says, digging in his bag for something.

"Yes please!" Tyler pats his shoulder.

"We need your number!"
Tyler says and looks at you with stern eyes.

"Ahah okay" everyone gets their phones out, and you read out your number.

Jenna jumps up and down a little "YAY! This is gonna be so fun!"
You where very excited too.

You'd never really had a group of friends like this before. And you never thought you would make some on the first day!

* • * • *
Surprise! Not really but like as you can probably see I uploaded twice! So enjoy the next chapter.

Also I know I've been lacking with the uploads but I've been literally doing nothing all week so I've decided to finally put all my energy into this book instead of just being a lazy sack of potatoes. So yeah :D

💖 stay street 💖

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