XI - Foundation Day

Start from the beginning

"That's lovely, Nancy" a voice came out of nowhere

I turned around and saw Jungkook smiling at me as always

"Hey, how long have you been stalking me?" I teased

"About six years now" he answered and we laughed

"Really now?" I looked around "Where are your friends?"

"Oh, they're just there somewhere"

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Y-yes, about that. I'm just wondering if..." he's obviously looking for the right words to say

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if you would want to be in the marriage booth with me" he said too fast

I laughed

"That's just it?" I asked while laughing

He blushed "Don't laugh at me. I'm asking nicely"

"Talking too fast isn't nice. But ok" I said still laughing

"Y-you mean yes? Is that a yes?" he was surprised

"Sure, Jungkook. It's just for fun anyway. I can marry anyone if I want to, can't I?"

"Y-yes of course. Thanks, Nancy"

"But no kisses!" I emphasized

"Y-yes. No kisses. Just marriage"

We laughed

"Let's go then" he said taking my hand

"Yah! Nancy!" JooE, Daisy and Ahin called out

"Guys! Come with me. I'm going to marry Jungkook!" I said laughing


Yeonwoo's POV

Everyone's busy for this day

I see a lot of happy faces

And I get a lot of greetings everywhere

"Good morning, Yeonwoo unnie!"

"Good morning, Etoile!"

I just smiled back at them

Is this really going to be a good morning for me? or should I say a good day?

"Yah! Nancy" I've heard three voices called out

I looked around and saw Nancy with her best friend, Jungkook.

Her boyfriend perhaps?

"Guys! Come with me. I'm going to marry Jungkook!" she answered

Hearing those words created a sudden pain in my chest

It made me feel the urge of running towards them and take her away from Jungkook

I like Nancy... No... I love Nancy

That's why I'm feeling so much pain right now

But it would be unfair for Taeha

She has done a lot of good things for me

And I should be thankful for that

I'll just let this feeling go

Nancy looks happy anyway. And I don't want to ruin that

"Babe, are you ok?" asked Taeha


"You're spacing out again. Let's go?" she said linking her arms with mine

"Y-yes sure. Let's go"

"Hyebin must be waiting for us. She already saved our seats"

I saw Nancy and Jungkook at the Marriage booth as we headed to the auditorium

I know it's fake but it still hurts

She saw me looking at them

I just smiled then turned my head and looked away


Hyebin called out as we entered the auditorium

"Yeonwoo! Over here!"

Our seats were reserved at the front row

"What took you so long?" she asked

"Relax. The program hasn't even started yet" I chuckled as we seated

"You may need to speak in front and have a short speech" she said

"What? That's not necessary. No one told me to deliver some speech" I protested

She and Taeha chuckled

"I was just kidding" said Hyebin

"Where are the girls?" asked Taeha

"Oh, they're already backstage"

"I'm excited for their dance number"

"Me too" they giggled

Why am I the only one not giggling?

The emcee finally spoke

"And now, to open our today's program, let's give it up for MMLD Music Club"

Wonderful Love by Momoland played as the girls came out and started dancing

The crowd cheered as they danced

And to my surprise, there's Nancy, dancing gracefully

I leaned towards Hyebin and whispered "Why didn't you tell me she's part of the club?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" Hyebin chuckled "Just keep watching. It's all you can do for now"

The crowd clapped, shouted and whistled as the dance ended and the girls went backstage

"Alright! That was indeed such a wonderful dance number. Do you want more?!" asked the emcee

"Yeah!!!" the crowd said in unison

"As you wish! But this time would be a song number. A song originally written by our lovely, Nancy"

The crowd howled

I saw Jungkook clapping and whistling "That's my Nancy!" he yelled

He must have noticed me looking at him

He looked at me and then looked away

I must have scared him by the way I stared

"Where are the girls?" asked the emcee

I looked at Taeha, she looks uncomfortable

"Anything wrong?" I asked

"I-it's just so loud in here. Can we go now?" she said

"But the program just started. It would be rude if we leave too early" of course I'd want to hear what Nancy had written

"But-" she was cut off as the emcee spoke again

"Alright! here they are. Let's give a warm round of applause for JooE, Daisy, Ahin and Nancy!"

The crowd howled so loud

Taeha stood up and pulled me with her

"Can't we stay until they're done performing?" I protested

JooE signaled the crowd to be quiet , they followed and all you could hear is the sound of Taeha's heels knocking on the floor

We were almost at the auditorium's door when I heard that song

Only one you, I'm in love, you..

My eyes widened

I know that voice



I'm dying!!!
See you next chapter!!

*evil laugh* 😁


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