Can't Love A Werewolf, Without Getting Fleas [5]

Start from the beginning

"Lees?" I repeated him.

His cheeks looked like they went a light shade of pink.

"It's what we use to call you when you were younger. You called me B, and Brooke- Brookie."

I frowned. "I'm sorry, I don't remember that."

Disappointment crowded over his features.

It made me feel bad.

But something didn't escape my mind. Those eyes, they reminded me of a name. Colty. I didn't know why, or where that came from, but it reminded me of that name. That name had a face. The face of the boy from the woods, except his features were drained, and filled with sorrow now, his brown eyes in reality didn't swim with happiness like they did in my memory.

"Hey Blake?"

"Yeah?" His loving eyes held mine for a moment.

"Are you sure there wasn't someone else in our little group? No one we use to hang out with, that doesn't hang out with us anymore. A boy with brown hair?"

My question was innocent enough, but Blake's reaction was strange.

His eyes almost look tinted red, his pupils constricted into a thin line. His jaw went rigid and tense. He was motionless; a statue of hate.

I felt myself backing up in my seat, till my back hit the back of it.

"No." His voice was filled with subsided rage.

"We hung out with no one. Why?"

"Uh... nothing. Just a memory. Something that keeps popping up in my mind."

He never relaxed, in fact he looked even madder now.

"We should be getting you home." Was all he said, as he got up immediately and left the table.

I was kind of dumb founded. What about what I had said made him so angry all of a sudden.

I frowned to myself. I hadn't even finished my nachos...

I threw them away anyway. I use to be a Waitress back home in the summer once, and I always hated when people left food on the table for me to clean up, when it was a 'throw your own food away' restaurant.

So I saved the pore girl with freckles the extra work.

As I approached the rest of the group, Annie and Rachel had their coats on ready to go. Richey and Fredrick were chatting away like normal, and Blake was whispering something in Brooke's ear. Her soft smile turned into a hard line. She nodded once at him, and turned to get her stuff together.

The girls ended up winning. Don't ask me how, as I felt I was the one who brought us down to loserville.

Brooke was as rigid as Blake. Something about the two of them... when they got mad, they looked scary; almost dangerous.

Fredrick's concerned face let me know he wanted to know what was wrong with Brooke. She leaned up and whispered something in his ear.

He too went rigid.

Was there something I wasn't understanding?


We went past the front desk on our way out, and I couldn't help but glance over; in hopes he was there.

The fact that his face kept appearing in my head as the only thing I could remember from my childhood was important to me. I wanted to know why.


The night are was a little more chilly than this morning, but wasn't too bad as we stepped out of the building.

"Brooke! Brooke! Over here. I did what you told me to! I dyed my hair puke green! You said I could join your posse if I dyed it right!?"

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