Aiden laughed out loud then, putting the cases down and glancing over at her. "Wow a great sense of humor you have there," he paused noticing her long curly hair haloed around her face. He then met her eyes and glimpsed the anger in them. A fire, very much like the torch lamp in her hand, burning in her eyes. Anger? He grinned at the thought of her angry. "What, you think I would believe that you have more armor and weapons? You are a princess, what need would you have of such things. For travel, sure I understand you wanting to dress that way." He walked over and took the lamp back. "However, I am certain that those cases are full of frilly dresses and whatever 'tis you women wear when you are trying to impress men."

Isabella's fists balled at her sides. He just sounds like the tall man. Lord, I would love to put him in his place. For now I think I will play along. She mimicked the laugh she heard Myra do last night and patted his shoulder, "Oh Sir Aiden, you see right through me, how could I have thought I could have fooled you?! You are so very smart, and I, just a simple woman, cannot fathom the thought of doing what you do."

Aiden felt completely shocked. The Isabella he had come know and grudgedly admire would have argued in favor of her supposed weapons until the early lights of dawn. Just another woman putting on an act. Is it so hard for a woman to truly be herself? He shook his head and noticed her shiver.

I cannot wait to show him who I really am once and for all. All in due time Isabella. Isabella took note of their close proximity and felt a shiver go suddenly down her spine. She rubbed her arms through the armor just when he asked, "Are you cold?" She, unable to speak, just nodded and he walked over and lit the fire place. "The room should be warm in a bit. I will leave you to change and retire. Good night Princess Isabella." He spoke in monotone, and bowed before leaving.

Isabella shut the door behind him and sighed. She changed into a night gown and crawled into bed and replayed the encounter with Aiden over again. His voice suddenly became so cold advice distant. She pondered it in her mind before slowly drifting off to sleep.

He, returning to his room, vowed to kill Eric for making him go to the chit's chambers. He thought about how pretty her hair looked down and how dashing she looked in the fire light. He replayed the encounter, groaned in annoyance and drifted off into a deep sleep.


The next morning, Isabella awoke, hand clutching the dagger under her pillow, to a maid entering her room. She was an elderly looking lady with a large round face and bright smile. Isabella tiredly smiled at the lady for she reminded her of Iris. She missed hazel and hoped all was well at the castle.


"This is ridiculous!"

Henry just nodded in agreement. Things seemed to have gotten worse for Baldwin had read aloud more decrees from the King and the knights were left to deal with angry cottagers. "Why would the king order such things, especially in his absence?"

Hazel sat down, "Better question is why hasn't Isabella stopped him. Henry, something is not right here."

Henry agreed with the pretty blonde and at the sound of approaching footsteps motioned for Hazel to exit the room and go back to work. Henry saw a young man enter the room, and assuming he was another angry cottager, he stood to escort him out.

"Sir wait, I am a messenger sent from Hartha, a missive has arrived from King William?" He read the front of the seal, "to a Sir Baldwin. Do you know where I can find him?" Henry was under strict orders to keep cottagers away from Baldwin and knew he would be reprimanded if the lad went to Baldwin himself.

Henry sighed, "I will take it to him. You may take your leave." Henry towered over the lad as he took the letter from his trembling hand. He paused, and made a decision. "Here are three currents. Thank you for your work. Stop by the kitchen and ask for Iris, she shall give you food for your ride back." The boy thanked him whole-heartedly before exiting.

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