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i knew i was bad at avoiding things, specifically things that had to do with the dolan boys

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i knew i was bad at avoiding things, specifically things that had to do with the dolan boys. however here i was with a new mindset and at work with my eyes drawn on my students in front of me. their hands all working on their projects with care as it had been that time of the year. a science fair was making its way to the elementary school and that was why i had walked up and down the rows of desks that concentrate on what is front of them. "good job, isaac. really liking the potato battery." i comment, my vision on one little boy.

my legs guide me a little further as i had let my gaze be on another. "tree exhibit, nice. but i would suggest picking a different name." i mention when reading over the big words of, i've got wood being sprawled across the poster board. however that had left my mind as my eyes fall on the item in front of me with a little girl behind it. her hands working with the wiring of her project. "woah that's a robot arm. awesome, savannah." i compliment as she smirks now when gaping back at me.

"yeah i'm gonna win." she states confidently as i chuckle faintly now as i shake my head softly.

"c'mon savannah, don't say that. anyone has a chance at winning." i get out with a sweet smile as she rolls her eyes now. suddenly another voice comes into play as i turn my head to him.

"even me, ms. s?" billy had questioned, i try to keep my smile as genuine as possible when analyzing the big flashlight he had duct taped to a large bouncy ball.

"of course, billy." i lie straight through my teeth when the lunch bell had made its bell evident as i straighten my posture a little more. "alright lunch time, go on." i announce when the kids all escape from their seats and out the door letting me find the seat to my desk when i go to sit down.

however a little boy had followed behind me as he stands in front of me with a frown. "ms. s can i talk to you?" he asks me as i nod now with eyes of worry.

"yeah of course, what's wrong billy?" i question as he sighs deeply when hanging his head low.

"can i please eat my lunch here because the kids at lunch had started playing this game where they throw coins into my buttcrack." he explains as i frown now when hearing his story of bullying. it even lets me a take a breath of air as i have sympathy for the boy now. "but on the plus side i've made some money, want to see?" he brings up with his hands full of the cents. he even lets his palm outreach to me as i cringe now when i shake my head frantically.

"oh no billy, you've earned that." i insist as he nods when placing it back in his pocket as i sigh now when folding my hands. i look over to the boy with a small smile as i part my lips to speak. "but i think i know a way we could stop this."


"hey guys." i greet when walking through the door and taking off my jacket in the process. the only ones present being grayson and troy as they sit on the living room, beers in their hands when they stare back at me. my eyes mostly stay on the man i had connected my lips with about a week ago as he gazes at me with a small grin.

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