Chapter 3

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Oh jeez,

look at him now,

he's invested.

James sat at his desk, his thoughts fully captured by the letter he held in his hand. Its words illuminated solely by his tablet's screen, James read them over and over, growing progressively more desperate to find any sort of clue. The napkin he'd requested that Adam and Jaiden write on was also neatly set next to his keyboard, always managing to draw James back to it. He was sure that neither of them noticed him pocket it, but James never really could be with them. He carefully ran his index finger over Adam's writing, focusing his empty stare on it as he continued to lose himself in thought. Though as he realized what he was doing, he quickly retracted his finger, nudging the napkin away and skittishly looking from side to side to ensure no one else was around. He was completely alone in his dark room, it was about time he'd gone to sleep, but alas he still sat in his chair, analyzing each and every letter on this piece of paper to find some sort of answer, or a "lead" as Jaiden would put it.

He put his head down, burying his nose in his arms with a quiet groan, he was completely lost. Though as he brought his head up a little, he focused on one sentence towards the bottom.

"Your handwriting was always better than mine."

James sat up, looking closer, he read it correctly. He stopped, picking up the napkin to look at Adam's writing. The sentence repeated in his mind over and over, growing a distinct deep voice every time it did so. Adam looked a little too nervous the moment James had pulled out the letter and showed it to him, and was very quick to leave without any sort of build up. Though, like Adam had said, he had quite the emergency. James smiled to himself, as Adam talked about it his appetite had been officially ruined. Though quickly, he shook his head, now wasn't the time to go on long internal tangents about Adam, now was the time to find answers. Though as that intrusive thought crossed his mind, he still found himself coming back to Adam. With this in his head, James read over the letter again. With each word Adam's voice rang clearly,

"Hi, I know that this probably isn't the best way to tell you something like this. But I just don't know why, but I can't do it in person. It sucks because I wish that I could see the look on your face as you learn one of my biggest secrets, well, when I think about it I don't really know if I want to. Maybe this was a good idea, dropping this note and running off to hide. I don't really know how you'll think of me after this, but I'm just gonna say to heck with it all and tell you anyways!"

"James, I-"

James slammed the note on his desk, turning it over. This time as he read he could feel something swell up in his chest, by the end of the introduction it was far too much to handle. No, it couldn't have possibly be written by him. He was just humoring himself, Adam would never do this. Even if he really wished...

No, no he didn't wish anything! Nope! He was glad! It was one more person to check off the list! James wasn't disappointed one bit, in fact all he could feel was relief. Though as he sat there, his thoughts grew as quiet as the room. He stared at the wall that his desk leaned against. After a long minute, he let out a quiet defeated sigh.

"Got any leads?" Jaiden asked, sitting down next to James who lay exhausted on his bed. Patches of sunlight made their way into his room, settling down on his blankets as he covered his face with his arms. He thought about mentioning the handwriting to Jaiden, but something told him not to do so. "Nope." James replied tiredly, "Didn't get much sleep?" Jaiden nudged James's arm, "Nope. I don't know why though, I usually sleep pretty well." He allowed his arms to rise and fall at his sides once more, letting him take in how bright the room had become. "Don't go losing sleep over this mystery guy, he'll reveal himself in time. We're either gonna find him out, or he's just gonna tell you." Jaiden assured him, gently patting his head. James slowly sat up, "Hey, it could be a girl. No need to assume like that..." he groggily protested, Jaiden simply chuckled, "Oh it's not an assumption..." James blinked, looking at her, "Huh?" "Nothing, nevermind." Jaiden stood up, "Come on Bedhead, lets go eat."

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