Alternative Ending

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Thank you to everyone who read this book! I hope you enjoyed it. If I made another short story that went along with this one, would you read it?

Also, here's an Alternative ending. It's much darker then the original ending and has a major plot twist. You have been warned. 

Dasher rounded a corner, and came muzzle-to-muzzle with Oz. He yelped, scrambling away from the collie. "Hello, Dasher," he barked, his voice edged with malice. "Did you really think I didn't know you were following me? Stupid dog," he snarled. Dasher trembled, and gulped. He forced himself to stand up straight. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.....

"Yes, I did follow you! Because you murdered Trickster!"

"What makes you think I did that?" Oz asked. Dasher growled.

"One, I found your broken claw at the spot where Trickster was murdered. Two, you never did burn your paw! That wasn't your blood on your muzzle, it was Trickster's! And three, you followed us, trying to scare us away from Sword's territory, and I heard what you barked to Sleet and Hail! You, Oz, are the murderer!" he snarled. His voice had gained confidence as he had spat out the evidence and the rotten dog.

Oz was watching him, and amused expression on his face. "Well, you're right, I did kill him." Dasher gasped. He had expected Oz to deny it.

"W-why? Why did you kill him?" Dasher asked. Oz chuckled.

"Revenge, sweet Dasher. You wouldn't understand. I knew you'd follow me, because I really can't have you telling everyone about what I did. I'll kill you..... and blame it on Sword's dogs. Hail and Sleet, to be specific. They're even dumber then you," Oz laughed. "Then me and her will finally live peacefully." Me and her? Who- 

"Prepare to die, Dasher!" Oz howled. Oz lunged at Dasher. Dasher managed to dodge, but Oz twisted around and sunk his teeth into Dasher's shoulder. Dasher howled in pain. Make it stop..... make it stop! And it did. There was a flash of fox red fur, and Oz was knocked off of him. Dasher whined, looking at his savior. It was Pumpkin!

"Pumpkin?" Oz asked, confused. "What are you doing?" 

"I'm sorry, Oz. I can't let you kill him," Pumpkin whined. 

"W-what?" Dasher asked, shocked and confused. He staggered to his paws, his shoulder still burning and bleeding. Pumpkin turned her dark brown eyes on him. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Dasher. Oz was my mate. My pups- the ones that were killed- they were his. And they were killed by a pack of dogs lead by Trickster," Pumpkin admitted. Dasher's head spun. But- no. This can't be happening. 

"Oz wasn't there to protect them. So he decided to make it up to me- by killing Trickster himself," she continued. 

"The plan was to kill you, too. But over these past weeks I've grown to love you too. So you can help us, pretend Sleet and Hail attacked you." She took a step closer, eyes pleading. "You understand that killing Trickster was the only thing to do, don't you?"

Dasher panted, his breath coming in short gasps. No no no! Pumpkin why?! "No," he choked out. "I could never be apart of this." Pumpkin's expression instantly hardened. 

"Then Oz was right. Goodbye, Dasher." With a snarl, Pumpkin lunged forward. The last thing Dasher saw was her glittering fangs before the pain hit him and his vision went black.  

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