Chapter two- Pack Deals

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As they traveled through the city, Dasher guessed they were close to the pack dog's den when he spotted more dogs. Guards, he thought. He'd never used that word before, but it felt right. Some of the dogs joined them, others stayed put. By the time they reached a small woods, Dasher and his four escorts were joined by an Aussie Doodle, a Boxer, and a Corgi.

At the beginning of the woods, the dogs were stopped by a husky. The dogs with Dasher were fierce, ready to defend themselves, but none were much bigger then Dasher except Boots. But this dog was scary. He had piercing blue eyes and a white and black coat. He had pointed ears and a long muzzle. Dasher could see muscles under his pelt. "Who is this dog?" he questioned, and Dasher caught a look at his sharp fangs.

"An intruder," snapped Pumpkin, but was nosed away by Lucy.

"We found him, and he told us where to get some food. We're just not sure what side he's on," she barked. The husky growled before answering.

"I will go and report this to Flash. I'll come back and tell you if this dog can enter or not," he growled, then spun around and disappeared into the woods. Dasher started to fidget nervously as time ticked on, but was shoved harshly by Pumpkin and stopped. Finally he heard paw steps, and the husky appeared. "Follow me," was all he said. The other dogs jostled him forward, so Dasher had no choice but to follow the husky.

"That's Trip," Lucy whispered. "He's one of the closest dogs to Flash." Dasher nodded, keeping his eyes fixed on the husky ahead. They reached a natural clearing where Dasher saw a few more dogs laying around. They eyed him with hostility as he passed, making Dasher stare at the ground. His tail was already tucked between his legs. He stumbled on a rock, and Pumpkin nipped him sharply.

"Hey!" he yelped. "There was no reason for that!" Pumpkin's only response was a growl. They reached a pile of fallen trees. Dasher smelled two dogs.

"Wait," was all Trip said, and disappeared behind it. A few moments later, a large German Shepherd Lab mix and a white German Shepherd appeared. By the way their fur was flattened against their side, Dasher guessed they had been resting.

"State your name," the German Shepherd Lab ordered, his voice commanding.

"Dasher," he squeaked, dropping to the ground and rolling over on his back so his stomach was exposed.

"Get up," the leader barked after a moment. When Dasher was facing him again he spoke. "I am Flash, leader of this pack. I've been told you were on our territory. Are you one of Sword's dogs? Admit so now and the consequences will be less severe."

"I'm not," Dasher whined. "This red dog keeps asking me that and I keep giving the same answer. I'm a lone dog."

"Lone dog," Flash murmured. "Well then, lone dog, if you're so certain that's what you are, tell us you're story," he barked. That totally caught Dasher off guard.

"My story?" he echoed.

"Yes," Flash barked, sitting down. "Tell is how you became a lone dog. I have all day." Dasher hesitated a moment too long, earning a sharp nip from Pumpkin. "Pumpkin, cut it out," Flash barked sharply. Pumpkin dipped her head and backed away from Dasher.

"I don't remember my mother, but I remember living with humans," Dasher began. Flash nodded, so he continued. "They were training me to work with those weird-smelling humans with big loud trucks with bright red colors," he barked.

"Fire fighters," Flash barked. "Continue."

"One day they went speeding off on their trucks when I was still a pup. I tried to follow them because I thought they were leaving me, but of course I couldn't keep up. I couldn't find my way back home, and have been living on my own ever since." Flash seemed to except his story.

"I will discuss this. Wait here," he barked. Trip and the white German Shepherd followed him behind the pile of trees. Dasher only heard bits of the conversation.

"...doesn't seem to be making it up..."

"...doesn't smell like other dogs..."

"....could be a spy..."

"....keep him prisoner..."

The last line he heard made him jump. Keep me prisoner? They can't! None of this is my fault! Finally the barking settled down and Flash and the other two dogs appeared again. "We may or may not have come to a decision. Dasher, do you know why the packs are fighting?" Flash asked. Dasher shook his head. The white German Shepherd whispered in Flash's ear, and he nodded. "Dasher, it's dangerous right now, you'll probably end up dead if you hang around. One of Sword's dogs would rip your throat out without questions asked." A jolt of fear shot through Dasher's body.

"Then can I stay?" he asked hopefully.

"Sorry, we don't need an extra mouth to feed," Flash barked. The dogs surrounding him were already pushing him away.

"Wait! Why are you fighting Sword?" he asked. At that, dogs growled.

"He accused us of murdering his brother, and now he's attacking us, so we have no choice but to fight back," he barked. "Dixie was killed last week." A plan began to form in his mind, just as the dogs started pushing him again.

"Wait! Maybe I can help. I've never been in either of your packs, I can get down to the facts. I won't have a biased opinion. If I can find the true murderer, can I stay?" he barked. At this, the dogs were silent. Finally, Flash answered.

"I will call a meeting over this," he growled, then all the dogs began to howl. 

Murder in the FlamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora