Chapter 31

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Ever since Riley came back from the restroom, he seemed weird. He looked pale as if he had seen a ghost.

When I asked him what was wrong, he just shrugged it off saying he's fine

Apart from his odd behavior that only I seemed to notice, everything went great.

My mom was obsessed with Riley

Yeah, he would laugh at jokes and even crack some but I know something deep down is bothering him.

"We're home" my dad said as we pulled up at our house.

I woke up from my deep sleep

"What time is it?" I muttered


"Thank you for the ride sir" Riley said "I had a great time"

"You're welcome here kid, anytime"

"Thank you sir"

"Can Riley and I walk around for a bit?" I asked

"I don't see why not"

"Thanks dad"

We got down from the car and took a walk down the road.

"You have anywhere in mind?" Riley asked me

"How bout we go to the lake?"

"Sounds good"

We walked down the road till we got to the abandoned town lake.

I smiled when I remembered how Riley and I kissed under he moonlight that night.

We made our way past the entrance of trees and sat down in front of the lake.

I threw pebbles at the water

"My mom seems to like you" I stated

He grinned

"I'm glad"

"Told you there was nothing to worry about"

"Well, I am quite the charmer"

I rolled my eyes

"Cocky ass"

I played with the ends of my shoe laces unsure of what to say or how to put what I was about to say.

"She asked if you were my boyfriend and you said yes"

He arched an eyebrow


"Does that mean we're official?"

"Samantha... It's okay if I call you that right?"

"Of course"

"Samantha.. Its been official since the first day I met you"

My heart fluttered at his words

"That's hard to believe considering the fact that you didn't like me very much when we first met. You thought I was annoying"

"I still do"

I punched his arm

"Oww!" He cried out

"Yes! I finally got the right spot"

"I always knew I liked you. You're stubborn, kind hearted and determined. You were always there for me and...... " he trailed off

I perfectly understood his lack of words. No words could describe what we felt for each other. It just happened. It was so sudden, fast and unexpected. Unrealistic even. I can't explain how it happened.

What I know is no matter how hard you try, some things are meant to be. Fate exists. Kismet...they call it.

"I don't know man" he continued "I really really care about you"

"I care about you too"

We stayed in complete peace for a while until he began speaking.

"Is life really worth living?"


"Is there more to life than endless pain and suffering?. Don't you wish you could just end it?"

Oh my gosh. He's totally considering suicide. My assumptions were right all along.

"Oh my! Do you think about ending your life?"

Tears dropped from his eyes as he nodded.

"All the time"

He raised up his shirt sleeve and showed me the cuts on his hands. They looked like razor cuts.

"Self harm?"

He nodded

Tears sprung out from my eyes too. How have I not noticed this? 

I raised up my sleeves and showed him mine too. I used to cut myself a lot some years back. The marks never really healed.

"I'm fucked up Jade"

"We both are"

"I don't know what to do.... I'm. I'm tired. I just want to end it all"

I raised his hand to my lips and slowly  kissed each and every one of his scars one by one.

"You're stronger than you think" my voice was hoarse "you'll be fine"

"Do you think this is the reason we're so attracted to each other? Cause were both broken?"

"Like pieces in a puzzle"

"Maybe we're meant to fix each other"

He looked at me with so much intensity that I could see nothing but my reflection in his eyes.

In that moment I smiled because I knew what he was going to say.

"I love you Samantha Jones" he whispered

"I love you Riley Darren"

He leaned down and kissed me. I moaned as our tongues made contact shortly.

We smiled as we pulled away.

I laid my head on his shoulder

There was nothing left to say so we let silence do the talking as he wrapped his arms around me and we gazed into the night sky.

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