My mom looked like she's just seen an angel.

"Handsome and manners" she wiped fake tears "Bless your parents"

The door opened revealing my dad and Jasmine.

"Hey" Jasmine said

"Thought it'll be nice to have a family reunion" my dad said

My mom screamed in delight and went to hug my dad. They stood there, holding each other tightly for a while. It's been such a long time since they've seen each other. Holding and hugging turned into kissing. I almost shed a tear. It was the cutest thing ever.

"What about me?" Jasmine asked.

My mum hugged her as well and started crying hysterically.

"Thank you so much" Ann sobbed "It means a lot to me"

We all cried too. My dad hugged them both.

"Group hug" I cried as I went to join them.

Riley stood there smiling at us

"Hey, come here" my dad invited him

"Yeah" Jasmine added "you're family too"

"Come on" my mom urged

I beckoned him to come over as well.

I could swear I saw a tear in his eyes as he walked over and wrapped his arms around us.


I cried silently as I washed my hands in the bathroom.

I used here as an excuse so I could cry in peace.

Never in my life have I felt so loved as I did a few minutes ago, even if it was just for a moment.

Jade is gradually changing my life for the better

I think I love her

Nothing to think about. I do love her. I smiled to myself as the realization hit me.

I'm in love with Samantha Jones

I have to tell her. Tonight

Maybe life isn't that bad.

I rolled up my sleeve to look at the razor cuts on my hands as a result of self harm.

Maybe life is worth living for Jade

Maybe I should re consider committing  suicide.

The opening of the door brought me out of my thoughts.

It was a lady dressed up in a nurse uniform. Her face looked oddly familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

Where have I met her?

"I had to double check to make sure it was you" she licked her lips  "What an Adonis you've grown into. I wish I was still babysitting you"

No. It can't be

"Can't recognize me?" She smirked

"N- Nancy"


She walked slowly towards me while I backed away in fright till my back hit the wall.

It's confusing how I would be scared of a woman at my age. You don't know what this woman has done to me. She's my childhood nightmare. She's the reason why I'm the way I am. It feels like I'm eight years old again and she still has power over me.

"Leave me alone please" I begged

She knew the effect she had on me and she planned on using it to her satisfaction.

"Why should I?"

She ran her hands round my chest down to my stomach till she got to my crotch.

"Hmm" She whispered in my ear "I bet its much bigger now, huh?"

I closed my eyes  hoping she was just a dream and she would disappear

I tried so hard to push her away but my body wouldn't cooperate. It's like I was frozen.

All the memories came crashing back to me.

All the times she basically raped me just so I could sleep

All the times I would beg my mom not to go out so she wouldn't come over

"Stop!" I screamed

Someone was banging on the bathroom door.

She brought out a piece of paper from her bra and put it in my pockets

"Call me" she winked

She unlocked the door and went outside.

I held the sink to balance myself in an attempt to catch my breath. If not, I might lose my balance and pass out.

My heart is beating fast. Its like my insides are about to explode

The world around me is spinning and I'm breathing heavily

Panic attack

I haven't had that in years

A man walked in and stared at me

"Everything alright?"

I nodded

He stood there for a while

"You sure, you're okay?"

"Yes thanks"

That is one of the greatest lies I have ever told

No, I am not okay

I never will be

The Boy Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now