philosophy eighteen

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So one of our professors asked us what were our thoughts regarding same sex parents adopting a child. What would be the affecting factors that the child will receive? And if the child will be suffering identity crisis?

(me being the introverted person I have always been, I didn't volunteer to answer. I didn't really got the chance to tell the my opinion to my classmates nor to my professor due to shyness.#shytypestruggles. Even though I want to because I think my opinion needs to be voiced out as well but I didn't, so I'll just put this in here lol)

I actually do not mind same sex couples. I think all people deserve love and happiness. People always say "everything has a reason" and LGBT people are a part of that 'everything' so we must consider their reasons. That's just what I thought.

Here are my thoughts:
•For me, it's really okay for same sex parents to adopt a child. It actually has an advantage for children who are in the orphanage and even those children who are homeless.

It is always up to the parents' way of handling their child or children whether with what personalities or behavior they might end up.

There is a huge possibility that bullying will take place. It's already a given fact that if you or your family is way beyond the norm or the society's set standards, so you will be mostly likely to be bullied.

•Same sex parents might make their child understand their situation as parents and as a family. (This is what my classmates also thought. And I agree because it's also a good thing but in some way, I maybe have to disagree too ⬇️)

•I personally think same sex parents who would expose the cruel reality of the world would rob the innocence of a certain child. They're still young. Let them be naive and let them make realizations out from experiences. Because otherwise, at a young age he/she already internalize the concept of being a 'not-so' typical child to a 'not-so' typical family. He/she might end up growing up taking it all in and not saying anything to anybody because they might think their opinions are wrong and invalid, resulting to a child that has a lot grudges in his/her chest.

•I'm just genuinely curious and trying to make a point here. Why would the same sex parents have to teach their to be child to be tough and strong for people who would mock at them when in fact, straight parents could simply teach their children to be respectful to others? Wouldn't that be a win-win situation?

•About identity crisis, my classmates thinks that the child would end up being the same with the parent's sexual orientation but I don't think so. For me, we human beings, we tend to crave something/someone we do not have. That's the time we would be curious of those things that would end up us wanting more until we begin to need for it. So, my point is if I were to have a lesbian parents, I would be curious what a father figure would feel like or what a male's affection would feel like.

That's all =)
What are your thoughts?

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