15 fics in 15 days

Start from the beginning

Nico had to smile. Leo was getting pretty excited. He was pretty sure Repair boy's eyebrows were sparking, but it was actually pretty alluring.

Wait, what?!

"So, do you like... sing?" asked Nico cautiously. Leo laughed, in a bit of an embarrassed way, and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well... when it comes down to it I'm a pretty solid baritone, but I haven't sung anywhere but Shower Hall since I was maybe three."

"Huh," said Nico, but his mind was already turning. Valdez?! He was just the jokey guy, the covered-in-grease guy, the flirts-with-every-girl guy. It dawned on him that maybe Leo had a lot more to him that what it seemed. Nico's eyes widened as a second something dawned on him: Maybe he and Leo had more in common that he thought.


"What got you into Wicked?" Leo inquired. The two boys were walking-- where, Nico didn't know, but Leo sure could carry a conversation.

Nico shrugged sheepishly. "It's just a great show, I guess." Wanting to turn the conversation around, Nico added, "What about you?"

"The story," Leo replied almost immediately. "It's just... like, the whole message is that whatever makes you different makes you special, right? But it's so much more that that. The people that deserve it don't get a perfect life, but if you work hard enough you can have your own kind of happy ending, y'know?"

"Your own kind of happy ending..." repeated Nico, dazed. Truth be told, he love Wicked because it depicted the hero figure falling in love with the outcast, and often wished his life would parallel it. But now...

Fuck. Leo's deep. And pretty hot.



Their aimless stroll had taken them to none other than the Hades cabin, and as Nico started to go inside, Leo squirmed.

"Hey, uh, dude?"


"Can I-- uh-- come in?"

"Yes! I mean, uh, sure," replied a shocked Nico. The fire boy stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

"Nice place," commented Leo, after a long awkward silence.

"Thanks," mumbled Nico, drifting towards his piano. He set up his sheet music and, giving a nervous glance at Leo, sat down to lose himself in song.

Kiss me too fiercely

Hold me too tight

I need help believing

You're with me tonight

Nico hadn't really played before an audience before. But it was just Leo. Just Leo, sitting on the bed with a faraway smile, and Nico, playing and softly singing.

My wildest dreamings

Could never forsee

Lying beside you

With you wanting me

Leo got up and stood behind Nico, watching his pale fingers dance up and down the minor chords. With a renewed sense of confidence and fear, Nico increased his volume for the chorus.

And just for this moment

As long as you're mine

I've lost all resistance

And crossed some borderline

And if it turns out

It's over too fast

I'll make every last moment last

As long as you're mine

A slight chill went down Nico's back as he finished the first chorus. The next part was Fiyero's verse, which he never sang, but still liked to play through. He continued.

Maybe I'm brainless, Maybe I'm wise


But you've got me seeing through different eyes

Leo was singing. Why was Leo singing?

Somehow I've fallen under your spell

Hot damn, the boy could sing.

And somehow I'm feeling, it's up that I've fell

Nico swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and sang with the fire boy.

Every moment

As long as you're mine

Awake on my body

And make up for lost time

Nico's heart swelled with the chords. He hadn't ever sung with someone else, let alone a singer like Leo.

Say there's no future

For us as a pair

Leo's body was even closer to Nico's now, and the Ghost King could feel the incredible heat rising from his skin.

And though

I may know

I don't care

Just for this moment

As long as you're mine

And now Leo really was "lying beside" Nico, squeezed onto the tiny piano bench, bodies and voices touching.

Come be how you want to

It was such a little gesture, but it said so much.

And see how bright we shine

Nico started to wonder why he was feeling this way.

Borrow the moonlight, Until it is through

Nico started to wonder if Leo felt the same way.

And know I'll be here, holding you.

As long as you're mine...

The two boys held out the note impossibly long. As the Nico played the final notes, he looked over at Leo. To his surprise, Leo was looking at him. There seemed to be an incredible electricity in the air.

Leo swallowed hard.

"What is it?" the Hispanic demigod said, for that was Fiyero's next line. He said it in a joking way, but there was nothing funny.

Nico reciprocated.

"It's just, for the first time, I feel..." He frowned. He knew what Elphaba said, but it didn't seem to fit the situation. The situation?! Is that all this was? No, this was worse than a situation. But somehow, he didn't want those glowing brown eyes to stop looking at him that way, like only Nico mattered. Only Nico and Leo. Just them.

And before he knew it, the right word came out, even though he didn't even register saying it.

"... Loved."

Both boys later denied the kiss, but at the same time, both of them knew how much had changed.

~The End~

How was it? Not too awful, I hope? I just needed Nico to be a Wicked fanboy... And, well... fluff came pouring out. Have I ever mentioned how much I love singing Nico? No? Well, I do. Next oneshot will be up soon. Good Morning! And, if I don't see ya, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night!

15 fics in 15 daysWhere stories live. Discover now