Author's Note

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*glances up* Wait, you're back?, well, welcome. This is not a standalone by any means, so if you haven't read the Amulet of Nicmir (that's niss-meer, to all you ignorant peoples XD), you might want to get your lovely, ah, backside over there and read it so you know what's going on. Unless you want to be confused. I know some people who might do that, actually...

Anyway. Yeah. Acknowledgements. First and foremost, this book goes out to my Creator. I can honestly say I wouldn't be here without You. Thank you.

Second, to every reader, silent or otherwise, for you make this endeavor worthwhile. Without you, writers would be nothing. You mean the world to me. Thanks for letting me smash your hearts. I hope to do it again many times over.

To the League of Crazy Spammers, without whom I probably would've left Wattpad and writing behind long ago. Never stop spamming, y'all. No, seriously. Don't. The world would end or something.

And last but not least, to one Christopher Paolini, author of Eragon, which I have not in fact read, but whose writer inspired me to put pen to page and write glorious tales no matter my age.

Before we begin, there are a few things I'd appreciate you follow:

• When commenting, if you must swear, it'd be lovely if you kept it as mild as possible. If you can avoid it altogether, that'd be wonderful. Just a matter of personal preference and respect for other readers who gravitate toward less profanity as well. :)

• There are a few swear words in this book, e.g. 'hell,' 'bastard,' 'bloody,' etc. I, personally, do not swear, but some of my characters have a slightly different vocabulary. They're scattered, however, so I can consider this book relatively clean.

• There are parts of this book that deal with themes of suicide and sexual assault, and parts that are just generally dark and depressing. I'll be marking any potentially triggering chapters with this symbol: •|• and a warning at the beginning

• Bring tissues

• If you feel up to it, constructive criticism would be amazing. I plan to rewrite at some point, so I'll take what I can get and improve in any way possible. Additionally, if you catch any grammatical errors, feel free to point them out.

And that, dear friends, is all. I do hope you enjoy the story.

- Batman *takes hat off, sweeps an extravagant bow, and vanishes in a puff of smoke to the realm of words and wonder*

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