Arrival to Hereford.

Start from the beginning

I reassured her. Which earned a nod of confirmation from her.

"First order of business, Mr. Baker, is your residence here will be permanent unless you are on leave, furthermore you will be sharing a room with Marius Streicher. Also know as 'Jäger,' an operative from the G.S.G.9. Secondly, you will need a new call sign. Take your time for this one and report to me once you've made your decision. Lastly, training is every day from 9AM to 5PM. Being late will have extreme consequences. Any further questions?"

Six asked me after finishing up, which I responded by shaking my head no.

"Good. Dismissed." She commanded before I saluted and walked off to a door labeled the mess hall.

Sighing as I entered and went to a table that wasn't cluttered much I decided to keep to myself-well hopefully to myself. Until I heard a cough from above me and saw a man in what appeared to be an Air Force pilot's gear, except the German Flag patch on his arm.

"You are Y/N yes?-" A nod from me "Ah good! I am Marius, your roommate, I figured we would probably like to get to know one another due to our situation."

I sighed internally. I couldn't fault his logic there. So I nodded at him. "Take a seat."

Turns out Marius and I did have a decent acquaintance with one another. Even if he was slightly cocky when concerning his own achievements and had poor social skills, other than that? He was a genius with tech.

Despite that however, my stay in Rainbow and my arrival to Hereford had only just started...

Now that's a wrap. Sure it ain't as long as the rest but I feel this chapter accomplished a lot. Bear in mind, friendships will be difficult to start with you due to the Ghost program.

Anyways now a small one shot for Ela x You I'm going to call sacrifice.

Your PoV:

Typically terrorist organizations didn't have heavy equipment...Nor did they typically have Biochemical weapons able to wipe out entire populations in mere hours depending on how many they had. However in the heart of London a dirty bomb was smuggled in, and ready to be detonated. Its fallout would be catastrophic even with the evacuations. When Rainbow was sent in they had full tac gear for the situation, meaning HAZMAT suits and supplies. On the team was Lion, Finka, Ela, Blitz, and I. Things had gone exactly as planned until Finka and Lion had taken hits each that forced Blitz and Ela to evacuate them while I kept pushing to the bomb. And when I arrived well...Without the two resident masters of disarming dirty bombs I had believed I was all but doomed.

A Ghost was always prepared for these situations, so I had a fair amount of experience in wiring explosives and disarming bombs. The Defuser however was shot to hell meaning I did this old school with wires.

Sweating, I couldn't wipe it off due to the HAZMAT suit, I carefully inspected the bomb, following the wires...Not good...Not good at all. They wanted this bomb to go off and it was a prototype for the White Masks. The chances of disarming it fully were slim to none however I could...

Sighing in the HAZMAT suit I took an impact grenade and readied it, pulling the pin I threw it at the roof of the only entrance to the building, blowing it and causing debris to come down and block it off...Preventing the others  from entering I activated my radio.

"Checkmate to Rainbow Actual respond."

"Checkmate this is Rainbow actual we hear you loud and clear. SITREP?"

"The bomb is a prototype. Lion and Finka are down and I can't disarm this safely, I can however limit the blast radius to this room-"

As soon as those words were spoken Elżbieta quickly hopped on the radio "No! Absolutely not Y/N! You can't-" She began begging me. Her voice was in hysterics as she tried to convince me to just leave it.

Closing my eyes my mind flashed back to when she and I had gotten together.

Over the course of two years, she and I grew closer from an albeit shakey start to a friendship...And nine months in we had become a couple. Each of us finding solace in the other's presence despite the damage our fathers had done to us. I remembered every kiss I had given the turquoise haired beauty, the days where she would refuse to get up in the bed due to being too comfortable...The wedding we had and all the moments we shared as a couple. I remember her and her sister Zofia making up and I remembered every moment I shared with Elżbieta...I didn't realize I was crying until I opened my eyes again.

"Ela there isn't enough time and...I Can't let those people die. I won't let you and the rest's lives be forfeit because of me...I'm sorry Ela...I love you-"

"Please...Just...Just come home...I don't want you to go" Elżbieta begged once more, voice hoarse and filled with raw emotion as she began sobbing.

"Mrs. Baker..." I said softly saying her surname that she took upon marrying me.

"I will always love you...You don't need to live in chaos alone after this anymore...You've always got us by your side-"

I cut myself off before inwardly taking a deep breath.

"Elżbieta...Can you-"

"Our child will miss you...So will I..."

She mumbled once more, making me remember the news of yesterday morning. She was pregnant with our kid. 'Let's name him after your dad if it's a boy-' I had said earning a slap on the chest from her.

'She- will be named after your mother' she scolded me and saying she so surely.

"...I love you too Y/N."

She whispered before I nodded, cutting the only wire and detonating the bomb early, yet only in the immediate radius of the room.

'We don't need to live in Chaos anymore Elżbieta-'

And end.

Yeah the one shot took most of this chapter.

Whatever, leave a comment and also gadgets or alternate code names.

Gallows out.

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