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It had been raining incessently since noon, and the ever-brilliant ocean was not right with it itself as it rocked the few ships in the harbor menacingly. 

The Tavern on the outskirts of town that over looked the pier was especially cozy that night. There was nothing special about it, or anything that sepecially stood out, but the rain brought its own kind of magic that gave the Tavern an air of mystery.

The town that housed the Tavern was rundown, as it was along the coast of a route that wasn't taken much anymore. It had once been an abundant place filled with life and the stirrings of business. But things change, and the Tavern itself was barely still in business.

On a stormy night like this, many cautious sailors would anchor their boats and nurse a mead until morning. Like spirits, the unusual amount of customers would be gone by early sunrise, causing the regulars to wonder if the overflow of customers had ever really been there, or if it had been a dream.

Tonight was no exception. Although the travellers were considered few, it was still more business than the Tavern usually recieved. The mead was plenty, and the 'tenders were gleeful. The lighting in the Tavern was dim, giving it a sensual glow.

Just then, the double doors flew open and in walked a cloaked figure. Lightning struck at that precise moment, casting a shadow that made the woman's shadow mysteriously contort, and many of the people looked up to examine the newcomer. The majority of them quickly glanced away, as her cool gaze both intimidated them and struck a fear within their bones. She studied the Tavern, searching for a place to sit. 

There was a smooth, wooden counter that took up more than half of the space, and booths were shoved up against the walls. The Tavern itself wasn't very large, and there weren't nearly enough people to fill it. There were various things adorning the walls, including fishnets, rusted anchors, portraits of what she assumed were past owners. But what stood out to her the most were the WANTED posters. 

The face on the paper was one of a woman with a hat that dipped low enough to cover her eyes, and a grin that was spread wide over her features. She wasn't surprised that the posters had made it this far; she was wanted everywhere. Robbing trader ships, sacking port cities, and the occasional trip to shore where she'd have a bit of fun. Like when she had stolen the governer's wig and adorned it on the bow of the ship for all of his men to see... What an adventure that had been. The reward was laughable as the mysterious woman was obviously worth so much more than they were offering. 5,000 dabloons? Please. 

The woman examining the place drew back her hood. Her face was almost identical to the one on the WANTED posters, save for the nose. Something about that nose, she thought, made it seem as though they were two completely different people. The pirate, and who she really was. 

She sighed, and made her way over to the booth in the far corner of the room. It was against a wall, and had a perfect view of the door. She ordered a mead, and kept her head down in a solemn matter. When her mead was delivered, the liquid sloshing over the sides a bit, she ignored it and took a long swig. She slammed the glass down, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a tall, broad figure make his way into the bar. She couldn't hide the evil smile that spread across her features and transformed her face to one of mischief. The night was only just beginning for her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2012 ⏰

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