Chapter 10

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It had been ten years since Cuba, ten years since you had been part of the X-men. Since then the war came along where many of the students were drafted including your good friend Alex. Now the school was closed and left abandoned: all that was left was Hank and yourself. Charles of course, was there but his spiral of self-pity and pain had gotten worse. Hank and you tried to get through to him to stop him drinking, to be there for him. He felt he was lost he pushed you away especially yet you stayed because you loved him.
You heard crashes and thumps from Charles study you sighed and walked over to the closed door placing your hand on the dark oak before opening it. "Gah!!" you yelled out ducking an object that flew over your head. You stood up shakily your heart beating a million times than normal. You looked up to see Charles crying, chugging down an almost finished beer, he looked at your through his tears not replying, his grown and straggly hair covered his eyes. "Charles!!" You snapped getting up from the floor, "I think you've had enough.." you walked forward to grab the beer, he moved away from you, "get out" you almost missed it. a whisper barely audible, "gettttt oUttT" you stood back your vision burned with rage, "CHARLES you listen to me! I have stayed here not giving up on you because I love you. I love you so much it hurts.i fell in love with the man that saved me all those years ago back in London. I don't know who you are anymore... your not the man I once knew" you gulped slowly, "the man I fell in love with" you whispered as you turned not looking back at Charles you left the door opened. Charles watched you leave with bloodshot eyes he shook his head in pain before shakily injecting himself with the serum, staring numbly at the doorway. He stayed like that for the next couple hours.
Meanwhile, you were packing your room up furiously jamming your belonging into an unused suitcase. You looked back briefly at the room, taking it in you closed the creaking door slowly before making your way out of the mansion. Stopping by the door to place a note for Hanks notice to your departure. You walked out onto the road taking one of the professors many cars. You wiped away the tears. Why am I sad, for this relationship had been dead for years you thought sadly. It was true you had just been blind to it, you didn't want to accept it. You drove off into the distance you had a long road ahead of you. It was about time to visit your good old brother. Time to go back home.

A year later: Manhattan
You stood outside: the cool breeze blowing your loose hair in front of your face. You watched as the people clad in black dresses and dark suits walked past you as if you weren't there. You were there, so intently so. In fact, you too were dressed in a dark midnight blue dress:

You stood there on the curb outside the church as passer goers ignored you

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You stood there on the curb outside the church as passer goers ignored you. You were invisible. Tears flowed silently down your blank face. Your eyes shone an even brighter e/c with tears. You hugged your self as the wind turned icy. The service had finished ten minutes ago; you had stood in the back in the shadows behind the pews. Never had you felt so alone, so empty and numb. 4 days ago your brother had passed away in a freak car accident. These past years you had grown closer with him catching up on all that time spent apart. Now you stood a few feet behind the gold engraved coffin. Placing a single rose that you had tampered with your powers to give off a golden colour. You sniffed and looked up at the greying sky, someone bumped into you harshly you mumbled an apology before turning.
A man holding a cigar lose in his fingers looked at you, he wore a brown leather jacket. "Y/n ..." he whispered as if he just saw a ghost. That caught your attention, "How did you know my name?" You asked pulling away from his grip, noticing the silver car behind him waiting on the curb. "Logan" you turned back to the man raising your perfectly sculpted eyebrow, "my names Logan"

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