Chapter 12

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The group looked at the scene between you and your former partner. Charles could only stare into your surprised eyes while you stood there frozen in spot. The awkward atmosphere was interrupted by Logan clearing his throat, "y/n there's a lot you need to know." He remarked you nodded folding your arms across yourself.
You sat down on the couch listening to the mutants explanations, you found yourself nodding soaking all this new information up. The conversation drifted between Logan explaining his purpose and mission being sent by Charles and Erik and to Hanks ingenious plane of breaking into the Pentagon.
The car ride consisted of you being stuffed between Hank and Peter while Logan drove, Charles in the seat next to him. "So, you and him dated?" Peter spoke to you under his breath, you nodded again. "What happened?" He questioned nosily, you shot him the look before rolling your eyes, " stuff happens, people change" you ended the conversation. You lose people
"We have to pull over at a store, I can't go break into the most highly secured prison still in my outfit and you guys need a tie," You remarked as you dazed out of the window. Logan pulled over at a station you hopped out of the car and hurried towards the clothes section.
You exited the store wearing a navy blue denim jacket, black tights and a baggy beige crop top carrying some other clothes for the boys.
At the Pentagon you all went a separate way. you, of course, veered off to the back wall where you had to turn off the power to security and cameras. After you flipped the switch you knew you were successful as the confused shouts echo from behind the walls as the lights blinked out.
Smirking you departed leaving no trace- steering through the empty hallways blindly to the kitchen. You arrived in a mess: water soaked the ground, walls and now you. You speed over to where Logan was talking to some chefs, "It okay son, there with me. " you patted Logan on the back, shooting Charles a look to shut up as he rambled on, "Sorry about my colleague, he has some trouble pronouncing our companies name," you bossed sauntering up to him, looking him dead in the eye. Of course, as he was flustered by your confident confrontation and how close you were to him, he didn't notice the psionic blast you had lined up, he did not see that coming.
"Come on boys" you sassed bored stepping over the unconscious bodies, you could feel Charles eyes on you, of course, you pretended to type digits on the lift veering in on Logan 's private conversation with the professor. Charles silent judgment was drawing you.
"God, I haven't seen her since she left: since I ruined it. " Charles looked at the girl with such pain and heartbreak, "It's like I don't know her, the girl I knew wouldn't have hurt those men" Charles muttered clearly agitated, Logan just looked at him amused, "clearly you haven't seen her in the future".
You opened your mouth ready to turn around and question what Logan meant but the lift dinged and opened.
A man fresh out of prison stood before you donned in simple clothes, you winked at him before walking over to Peter who stood deep in thought, at the side. Peter and you watched the scene unfold, it was quite entertaining to watch an every loving peaceful Charles Xavier throw a jab at Magneto.
"Good to see you too, old friend" Erik smiled rubbing his jaw tenderly, "And walking."
"No thanks to you," Charles spoke. Walking forward you brushed past Erik's shoulder, "any day now" you ordered before adding, "we are gonna have company", Peter followed close behind you.
Just as you thought the main door was knocked down and dozens of security charged with their guns pointed at everyone, shouts of "Put your hands in the air" echoed. Instinctively you stood forward, you felt someone hold you back, "y/n please, no" you had learned to defend yourself from your time apart from Charles- you turned, the orange energy glowed in your palm, you looked Charles dead in the eye. Erik interrupted his voice laced with unspoken urgency, "Flare....". That was all you needed to hear, you turned just as shots rang out—
You blinked and closed your eyes. Opening them you saw the room was in destruction, guards lay unconscious on the ground, sauces and kitchenware lay discarded on the floor, bullets whizzed past all of you-you let out a breath you hadn't realised you held.
You went to move, to thank Peter but a heavyweight in your hand held you back. Charles still held your hand in his grasp, from when he tried to hold you back. You hadn't even noticed because it felt normal, it felt like home. You turned to see Charles, his blue into your e/c ones, "y/n I—" he began his voice merely a whisper, "Charlie, this is not the time" you butted mid-sentence, the old nickname slides of your tongue without hesitation. Charles caught your eyes again, this time the blue were filled with hope. You mentally face palmed and let go of his hand like it was on fire, you cleared your throat and turned to catch up to that speedster - who you had grown quite close to over car ride. Both of you had the same taste in music and were the ruler of terrible jokes.

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