Bully Me

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Bullying  trigger warning

With a hand fisted around the collar of his private schools navy blue uniform, his black heels fumbled for a surface to stand on but ended up tripping over them self as he was pushed towards the floor. With a thud he hit the ground and quickly turned himself around so he was on his back. He stared up at the pissed off red head that stood over him in combat boots and a shirt that defiantly went against dress code.

Gerard Way was the popular kid, but the more so bad ass one. The type that if you walked past with a dirty look would cause you to end up on your ass with a few scrapes to show for it.  He practically had a flock of people gathered around him, begging for attention, and seemingly his protection. Frank was pretty sure than some of the teachers were even intimidated by the boy, probably why he got away with his choice of clothing the way he did.

Frank Iero was the schools famous loner. A weirdo and depressed book worm. He didn't really talk to a lot of people besides Mikey Way, the brother to the monster above him. Frank had gotten bullied by the jock consecutively for the past 6 years. They were now both in highschool, seemingly forgetting the friendship they had once possessed before grade 7. Gerard had suddenly stopped talking to him beginning of that year and began bullying him a few months later. At the end of 8th grade, things got physically violent instead of innocent pushing, tripping, and verbal onslaught. He would of told, but Frank Iero liked Gerard too much, more than he should of someone that was his friend and was now a brutal bully.

Before poor Frank Iero didn't have time to push himself to his feet before a certain angst teen was pressing his black boot forcefully against his rib cage. Gerard reached down, grabbed his collar again and pulled the short boy up as far as he could stand. The muscle shirt clad boy pushed the other roughly against a grey stall door. A pained gasp left Frank as his back collided with the door, definitely causing a few new bruises he would guiltily admire in the mirror when he had the chance. He knew it was wrong but the bruises his tormentor caused him seemed like tiny trophies he would dare to glance at. He always seemed to adore them, wishing Gerard was kinder and definitely less abuse in the way he was.

"Why do you even bother coming to school?" The red head asked with a rather bored look on his face. Some days he questioned why he continued to bully his old friend, but he knew why. He didn't want to but, ignoring the shadow that crept into your sight is sometimes better than acknowledging the monster that created it. Gerard could remember the day he cracked so clearly.


They were hanging out at Gerard's house like usual after school, the big white 2 story building that hid just behind the middle school. They were both excited, since it was the first year they had lockers so close to each other. Sure they hung out in the few classes they had before but they had all their classes together now and lockers right next to each other. Dark text in silver framing, 322 and 324, two shiny red lockers that promised a happy year for the two of them, plenty of chances to talk and places to walk with each other to. But all of that seemed to fade away February 13th.

For the past few days, Gerard's mother, Donna Way, had been dogging on him to tell her if any girls he thought cute and practically forcing him to make a Valentine card. She, like any normal mother with a hormonal teenager, meant well and to get her son aquatinted with girls but came off as much too pushy for the young boy to handle. Gerard never really liked any girls, which wouldn't have been odd a few years ago but he was in middle school. Hormones were running rampant, most children were in a relationship (no matter how short term),  and Gerard should of found at least some girl he could say was mildly attractive. But no, he saw no one that even fit the type he ever envisioned of being with. But that's not what he said to Frank, Mikey, Ray, and Bob.

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