Chapter One - A New Canvas

Start from the beginning

Upon arriving at the school grounds, new and returning students are seen scattered around the campus, reuniting with old friends or exploring their surroundings to familiarise themselves.

Rin and Naeun proceed to explain how most of the day will go to Jun-Seo. Rin starts, "At the start of every term, the school holds a welcome ceremony for all the students, both returning and new. You'll basically find out everything you need to know about the school there,"

"Right, and after the assembly you'll be taken on a tour of the school by representatives from the Welcoming Committee," Naeun adds. "I'm friends with some people on the committee so I'll ask them to watch out for you." Jun-Seo nods slowly, his lips pursed as he listens.

Naeun checks her watch for the time. "Shoot, I've gotta run or I'll be late for the assembly rehearsal,"

"That's fine, Jun can come with me to the Student Council Room," Rin says. "Okay, I'll see you guys later," Naeun replies cheerfully, offering Jun-Seo a reassuring smile before hurrying off.

Rin and Jun-Seo arrive at the Student Council room, where the other members are already gathered. "Hey guys, let me introduce you to my brother, Song Jun-Seo. Jun-Seo, this is Son Chisa, Kim Sieun, Nam Do-Ha, and you've already met Dong-Geun," Rin introduces them.

"Nice to see you again, Jun-Seo-ssi," says Dong-Geun, giving him a dimpled smile. Jun-Seo acknowledges him with a small, respectful bow.

Dong-Geun came around their old place a few times to study with Rin on the weekends. They didn't talk much but he's a nice guy.

"It's nice to meet you, Jun-Seo-ssi, Rin hyung talked a lot about you," Sieun says. "Yeah, kinda feels like we already know you," Chisa giggles lightly.

"Sorry to cut this short, but we should probably go over the programme for the welcome assembly," Do-Ha says. "Right. This shouldn't take too long, are you okay to wait over there?" Rin asks Jun-Seo, gesturing over at an empty desk.

Jun-Seo nods and makes his way over to the desk. As the meeting begins, he slips on his headphones and gets out his phone to play a random game. This holds his attention for a little while until his gaze is soon drawn to the view on the other side of the window across from him. It's a well-maintained courtyard adorned with delicate pink lilies peeking through the lush green blades of grass, and vibrant cobblestoned paths branching out in various directions.

The quaint setting is further enhanced by the presence of ivy gracefully crawling up the walls and the towering silhouette of an oak tree at the centre, casting a picturesque shadow. Amidst this view, perched on one of the sturdy branches of the oak tree is a dark-haired boy, his hands casually positioned behind his head to cushion it, one leg propped up while the other swings lazily over the branch.

Jun-Seo's gaze becomes fixed on the boy, his curiosity piqued by the sight. He is so distracted by the sight that he doesn't notice that the meeting is done.

"Jun, Jun?" Rin calls out, waving his hand in Jun-Seo's face to grab his attention. Faint music spills from the younger's headphones as he removes them, focusing on Rin. "Come on, the assembly's starting soon."

"Uh..." Jun-Seo's eyes quickly flicker back to the window, capturing the fleeting sight of the boy as he leaves the yard.

Rin raises an eyebrow at him. "What are you looking at?" He asks glancing over at the window. "Uh, n-nothing," Jun-Seo mutters in response, fidgeting slightly as he reaches down to pick up his bag, his movements a little awkward. He takes one last look out of the window before following the others out of the room.

When they get into the assembly hall, another Senior runs up to them with urgency etched onto his face. "There you are," he says, desperation clear in his tone.

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