Chapter 5

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*sorry guys no smut this time. thank you all for reading it though I hope you all enjoy this little smidgen.*

I woke up with someone warm and thin wrapping their arms around me. I cuddled into their bare chest when I suddenly remembered the events that took place the previous night. I closed my eyes and prayed hard I hadn't imagined it. I had slept with the person I had loved and admired for years......

I looked up and (thankfully) saw it was Sheldon with his arms around me holding me tightly to his hairless chest like he never wanted to let me go. I admired his smooth body and his enormous.... thing when he started to stir underneath me. I was so scared that he was going to be angry at me that I leapt out of bed and kinda stood there awkward and naked. He woke up properly and turned to face me.
"he hey Leonard. are you alright? your breathing is kind of erratic."

"I' scared Sheldon." I started to cry softly.
"why. why Leonard." he patted the bed beside him and I asked slowly over and lay down to face him. he took off my glasses and wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumb. those fingers are so goddamn talented....

"scared you're gonna be angry. scared that you'll leave me and don't love me and..." he cut me off with a passionate kiss to the lips. we had an amazing 3 or 4 seconds where I felt like nothing was wrong where anything could happen. and something did. I heard thunderous footsteps when suddenly Wolowitz flew into Sheldons bedroom to see me and him engrossed in a passionate kiss both naked on sheldons bed.

"woah. guys put some pants on" he joked "I can see a lot more than you think I can. Leonard you should probably get that checked."

I panicked for a second. "what? What checked?"
"nothin" he laughed. "anyway guys I don't mind. I always thought you would be a great couple. I'll be gone and leave you to it." be slowly backed out and closed the door. I could hear him laughing all the way down the corridor and out the front door. I roll back to Sheldon.

"what do you say to round 2?" I smirk.
"heck. yeah." he laughed and reconnected our lips with enough passion to kill a horse.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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