Peter's school trip to hell (a.k.a stark towers)||Random__Fangirl on AO3

Start from the beginning

The whole class broke into cheers has mr. Roberts joyful voice announced "class, next week we have been privileged enough to be invited to stark Towers itself."and as this news sunk in peters only thought was 'why me' as his head sunk to my desk and he let out a long despair filled groan.


When class let out peter ran for it knowing that he wouldn't make it far before flash caught up. His thoughts were proven right when Flash and his goons jogged up to his side "Yo, Penis".

Sighing he turned around to face them "what do you want Flash"

Laugh Flash in a mocking voice wined "you can finally introduce us to your good friend Stark." "or are you too afraid that he won't know who you are." Then his goons dumbly echoed with a "yeah, parker."

Peter's mouth without thinking responded with a "I can't wait" and he bolted off in fear, only to be chased down and knocked to the ground. They really had it in for him today. Sometimes he hates his big, fat mouth.


When peter got home a million thoughts a minute we're running through Peter's head. Maybe i could burn the form. No, that would create too much attention. Maybe I could just eat it. No, that I would save until last resort. There is one thing I knew I definitely couldn't hide it. No one can hide something when your family is The Avengers.

After what's felt like an hour of thinking peter still had one question left. What could I do with this stinking form? And by now he had accepted his horrible fate he was definitely doomed to internal embarrassment at the hands of his heroes.

He knew it was approaching dinner time when he heard the chatter coming from outside his Spiderman colored door. Tonight was family dinner night when they all ate together. Thinking about it there couldn't have been much worse circumstances.

Soon the smell of fresh cooked pasta came through Peter's door forcing him to leave his sanctuary and come to the land of the living. Shoving the damn paper under his cabinet and praying that no one would find it he ran off to the kitchen.


It was about mid meal when it happened. Everyone was just having a normal conversation (which peter was tuning out of course). Loki and thor were gone but that was common so no one even paid attention. The one thing no one seemed to notice was the fact that two highly trained super spies were missing from the table. Peter was in a panic at realizing this fact. What if they found the Form? What if they showed it to Tony? What if they were angry he hid it? Etc. Well, he truly didn't have enough time to think about all the 'what ifs' because the worst happened.

He was busy eating inhuman amounts of food when he heard someone clear their throat. Lifting his head up he almost choked seeing the scene that sat before him. There sat Natasha on top of the counter right next to a smirking Clint who was waving the paper around mockingly. Peter paled so much that he looked like a sheet of paper.

Natasha smirking about what was a bad attempt at hiding something said "So, маленький паук did you have anything you wanted to show us" and peter realized that he was so dead.

If peter wasn't already suspicious enough before then he was definitely more suspicious now Because in all his nervousness he just had to stutter at the worst time. "I H-have no I-idea W-what you are T-talking about."

"Really, because this paper seems to be talking about a field trip for a certain boy named Peter Parker"both the spies said creepily in sync as eerily similar Smiles adorned their faces.

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