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name: Niko

surname: Jelavic

mother: Irina  Jelavic (alive)

father: ?? (died before Niko was born)

appearances: really long blond hair , one blue eye  and one green,cream skin,smooth skin , same hight as Kaede,same body shape as her mum.

wears: white  skirt ,long white socks, white tank top , and white trainers 

likes;her friends ,sometimes ,koro-sensei,her mum ,hanging out with her friends ,ice cream , cake,killing ,being an assassin, her eyes (they change colour on different angles),coldness, creep stuff ,singing.

hate , koro-sensei,cats ,sometimes life ,lies,people bulling her friends ,asano ,

personalty  :sweet, helpful, evil ,gives no mercy ,when something has to be done then she does it , obeys , crazy 


Irina Jelavić 's daughter (nagisa's x reader oc)Where stories live. Discover now