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I've been running hot

You got me ticking gonna blow my top

If you start me up

If you start me up I'll never stop

- Start Me Up, The Rolling Stones


"Why do I even have to go to this camp in the first place?" Luke whines.

"You just have to." His dad demands. They pull up to the Camp Joy gravel parking lot. "We are going to go sign you in. You take your bags to the boys cabin over there." Mama Hemmings points to the Boys' cabins on the East Side of the campground. Luke grunts and pulls his bags from the car.

He enters the small air-conditioned cabin, that regrettably will be his home for the summer. Luke lugs his bags onto the nearest top bunk, frowning when he realized the bottom bunk was taken. But being too lazy to move his stuff, he kept it there.

Luke exited the cabin and headed towards the building he saw his parents walk into. "Luke Hemmings?" A woman's voice calls to Luke when he enters the building. "Hmm?" He looks up.

"Hi, I'm April. I'm the camp director." She holds her hand out for him to shake, which he hesitantly takes.

"Here is your camp T-shirt, along with a bandana for your color group. You are a purple." She flashes him a toothy smile as he takes the two items. "You are free to explore until camp officially starts." Luke nods and walks to his parents on the other side of the room.

"I hate you guys for this." Luke scowls at the two adults.

"This is the best for you." His father shrugs. "Besides, you'll meet some great friends."

"Here?" Luke laughs. "The only people here are religious God freaks. Yeah, no." Luke's parents shake their heads in disapproval.

"We need to go. Have fun this summer." Liz smiles and pulls Luke in for a hug. His dad does the same and after they exchange good byes, Luke is alone in the middle of what he now realizes is the dining hall.

After putting his things on his bed, he heads out to the near trees. Luke finds a log in a shaded area, and pulls out his phone. Surprisingly, he had a bit of reception. Luke checked through all of his social media accounts, and updated his status two or three times.

"Campers campers. Please head to the chapel." A voice commands over the speakers spread throughout the camp. Luke slid his phone in his pocket and began to walk towards the chapel.

Ashton was the first person at the chapel, considering he was already in it when the man spoke. He quickly put the small quilted bookmark in his Bible to mark the page, as people started piling into the small building.

He smiled at some that walked by, and some that chose to share the pew with him. "I'm Ashton." He greeted the one next to him with an outstretched hand. "Lana. Is this your first year?" She smiles a bright smile. He nods and turns to the front when a woman speaks.

"Hi everyone! And welcome to a summer at TFC camp!" The women introduced herself as Charlotte and continued on about the camp.

Ashton was more excited than a pregnant women that's been trying for 72 years. On the other hand, Luke couldn't wait till this is over. He hates stuck up God freaks; the ones who say their lives are devoted the Bible. But then do the exact opposite of what it says.

Luke believes in God. He just doesn't believe of his 'power'. He has never followed the Bible his whole life, so he thinks why should he start now?

"We are going to get into our color groups for the next hour or so and do group activities!" Charlotte cheers. "Silly's in the Dining Hall, Bonkers in the game room, Loonies in here, and Wacky in the Prayer Chapel! Go, go, go!"

Luke stands up from one of the very back pews and walks towards the Dining Hall.

"What group are you in?" Lana smiles at Ashton.

"Silly." His smile grows wider when Lana says she is in the same group. They jog towards the building, laughing at nothing.


"Ok everybody." Megan, one of the group leaders claps. "We are going to do the 123 game. You will say your name, 1 hobby, 2 favorite things of yours, and 3 facts about yourself. Everyone ready?" Everyone in the circle nods. "Would you like to go first?" She asks Luke. Luke nods slightly before speaking.

"I'm Luke. Hobby, sleeping. Favorites, singing and playing guitar. Facts, I'm 18, I love eating, and Batman is my favorite superhero." He shrugs. The circle continues sharing until it gets to Ashton.

"My name is Ashton. 1 hobby, reading. 2 favorite things, animals, and God. 3 facts, I swim on a team, I'm 17, and I love playing drums." He says in a bubbly tone. To say this boy intrigued Luke would be an understatement.


{Bubbly Ashton on the side. >>> That's what Ashton will look like in this story. Luke will just be present day Luke. -Em. 3 votes?}

Church Camp// Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now