I am NOT

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Their penetrating eyes watch my every move,

The icy words they speak have no love,

If you saw me now you would say I have lost,

They see me now and think I am frost,

I stand in their shadows,

I watch everyone as they rejoice the meadows,

I hold my breathe and await my moment,

But all I have ever got is predicament,

They think I have given up,

They say I am all windup

But they don't know what they don't see,

That today from those bonds I am free,

So don't tell me that I am fragile,

Don't say that I will crumple,

For I am NOT what you think,

For I am NOT what you say,

I am beyond your narrow little minds,

I am beyond your shriveled cold hearts,

I know I won't fail cause the spark within burns BRIGHT,

I am the shinning armour and I am the KNIGHT!

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