And she Lives

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She sit in the corner of her room,

She has been sitting there for long now,

Tears have dried on her cheeks,

After flowing like thin creeks,

She is clutching her stomach

But she is wishing away the heartache,

Her eyes continue to stare at her phone,

She can't believe that she is left to battle alone,

No voice escapes from her trembling lips,

She tries but no one can hear her screams

Warnings of her friends run through her mind,

His fake promises have left her heart a deep wound,

She curses herself for being such a fool,

She hates herself for believing he was cool,

A dead weight has replaced where her heart had been,

She tries to breathe but her body has given in,

She lays there aching 

Into pieces silently breaking,

Wish I had know better she is thinking,

Her heartbeat is sinking,

Darkness is surrounding her,

She is feeling her end is near,

I am not ready to go yet, 

She did not want to say good bye just,

But Its too late her eyes are heavy,

Blood keeps oozing from her wrist she cut deeply,

The room is filled with white light,

She thinks the angle is here to take his right,

Yet its only her name the angel screams,

She is lifted into his arms,

'You will be Okay' she hears the angel,

It was her Daddy she could tell.

She woke up the next morning,

She promised herself this was not how she was dying.

She set her heart free,

She opened her arms and welcomed her new life.

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