Steven Adler || Best Friend

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for duffmcbaban

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for duffmcbaban

Today, out of all days, it seemed like [Name] [Last Name] was the saddest girl in the world. Her heart felt hollow as her tearful and puffy read as glanced around her room. It was so strange to see her boyfriend's—now ex—stuff gone. Her apartment felt sparse and empty, even unwelcoming.

However, as [Name] glances at the picture frame on her nightstand of her and her ex, she realizes the unwelcoming feeling had been here for a while. Deep inside, in the dark corners of her mind, she knew this moment was coming. The constant arguments, the frowns, the tears, and the hurtful silences—they were all signs of the inevitable end. She should've known better to get too attached.

[Name]'s voice felt raw from the loud sobbing she had done all evening. She wasn't even sure if she could cry anymore. All [Name] knew was that she didn't want to be alone anymore.

She tried to think of happy things, the little and big things that made her appreciate life. There was one person, no matter what, that managed to brighten her day—Steven. Steven, even if he was intoxicated as hell, always managed to brighten her day. His fluffy blonde hair, his bright smiles, and his laugh always brought a smile to [Name]'s face.

Even when Steven was sober, he was radiant to [Name]. She decided, she didn't want to feel alone, so she dialed up the only phone number she could think of.

She held the bulky telephone against her ear, twiddling with the curled wire, as she heard the dial tone ring. It was a late evening, but she knew none of the boys at the Hell House ever slept at this time. It wasn't until a few moments later that someone picked up the phone.

There was a muffled voice in the background, a few shuffles, before a voice lazily drawled out, "Whadda ya want?"

Even if [Name] wasn't sobbing, the small sniffles and the softness of her voice indicated that she had been crying, "Hi Axl. Sorry for calling so late, but is Steven there?"

Axl sighed a bit, albeit softening up at the sound of [Name]'s voice, "Hi [Name], I'll go get Steven."

Another moment passed, a loud shout of Steven's name could be heard, and more shuffling.

"Hello, [Name]?" Steven greeted, sounding a bit more sober than usual. That's okay, she'd prefer him off drugs and booze.

"Hi Popcorn, I'm sorry for calling you late, but can you come over?" [Name] questioned, feeling a bit emotional all over again. God, she was sick of this feeling already.

Steven, from the other line, blinked a few times, before replying a cheerful, "Hell yeah!"

[Name] grinned, already feeling a bit better, "I'll see you soon."

[Name] tried washing her face, hoping the redness from crying would lessen. She fixed her hair a bit, and let out a big sigh. [Name]'s place was a mess, but Steven could suck it up. He lived with four other men, after all.

After almost twenty minutes, she heard knocking at her apartment door. [Name] hurried to open the door, seeing a grinning Steven on the other side.

"[Name]!" Steven cheered, instantly pulling her into a hug. Instantly, [Name] already felt better wrapped around his arms.

"Thanks for coming. It's been hell today for me," [Name] begin the ramble on.

Steven waved you off, "You'd know I'd drop almost about anything for you, [Name]. What's wrong?"

Steven noticed how dark [Name]'s apartment was as she closed the front door. However, It wasn't until he started looking around the living room did he notice her ex's stuff was gone. Even if he was labeled as the dense on in his band, he knew what this meant.

"He broke up with you, didn't he?" Steven asked, sitting on the small couch [Name] owned.

[Name] let out a deep sigh, "Yeah, he left. He said he just wasn't feeling it anymore, saying he found another girl. What a waste of time."

"Well, it's his lost anyways. Never really liked that asshole anyways," Steven reveals to [Name]. The girl would've never guessed, to her, it seemed like Steven was chill with everyone. But Steven wasn't lying, he really didn't like the dude [Name] was with. Part of it was out of jealousy, the other half was because Steven genuinely never clicked with her ex.

Steven didn't want to linger on the topic of his best friend's horrid ex, so he did the best thing he could do—making [Name] laugh. The two spent the early evening flipping through channels, with Steven making fun of each show that appeared, causing [Name] to laugh so hard, she was crying at one point. Her laughter seemed to be the sweetest thing he ever heard.

Sometimes, Steven felt that making [Name] smile was just as exhilarating as playing on stage with his bandmates. He was never the one to get sappy but seeing the way her eyes glimmered made him feel lighter than any drug he cooked up backstage at a local bar. As crazy as it sounded, Steven was beginning to believe he might just be in love.

Maybe it the heavy smog in the Los Angeles, maybe it was something [Name] ate earlier today, or perhaps [Name] finally went nuts. It seemed like the fog in her head as dissipating as she looked back at Steven, for that moment, it felt like everything finally clicked.

She was looking so hard for the special guy when perhaps, he came in the form of her goofy best friend.

"Steven?" [Name] softly whispers, looking into Steven's blue eyes. Hell, if they could look at themselves from the outside, they'd gag at how chick-flick they seemed.

"Yeah?" Steven responds, sounding a bit breathless. Seriously, had this been anyone else, they would've gagged.

But this was them, and at the moment, nothing felt more right.

"Can I kiss you?" [Name] inquires, giving the blond a nervous smile.

"You have no idea how long I've been dying to hear that," Steven laughs in relief, pulling the girl in for a kiss.

The kiss wasn't a friendly peck or lascivious snogging, but it felt like something close to love, and it was all [Name] needed. 


I'm sorry if Steven is a bit out of character, I'm not used to writing him, but I hoped you enjoyed this! I'm trying to get through my requests, but it's a bit harder now that I'm in college. I hope you all understand. Lastly, I published a new band fic, so please check that out! It's called Just Like Heaven

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