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@arcticmichael: well, i didn't wake up with a michael clifford follow

@arcticmichael: but i did wake up to michael having a following spree

@arcticmichael: when i was asleep :'(

@arcticmichael: i swear michael hates me

@arcticmichael: siGH

@arcticmichael: @Michael5SOS hey buddy, wanna see what i can do with my toes

@arcticmichael: @Michael5SOS i will do anything for a follow

@arcticmichael: @Michael5SOS i can't sing or draw or even walk in a straight line but i would do anything

michael please follow me liked your tweet!
@Michael5SOS i can't sing or draw or even walk in a straight line but i would do anything

michael please follow me replied to you!
@Michael5SOS: @arcticmichael: HAHAHA i can't either

@arcticmichael: did he j-

@arcticmichael: @Michael5SOS why can't you just follow me

@arcticmichael: @Michael5SOS like you can just click my profile and fOlLoW mE

@arcticmichael: @Luke5SOS hey panini head can you tell michael to follow me

@arcticmichael: i will continue this tomorrow >:(

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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