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" Excuse me? Hello? Excuse me?"
A voice came which brought Neil back from his thoughts.

He was started for a moment, disoriented even. He took a look around the place to get his bearings before he looking at the person in front of him.

It was a lady, a beautiful young lady at that,  standing in front of him looking at him with a quizzical expression on her face.  She had an expression as if she wants to ask if he was okay or not.

Putting on a smile on his face he said "hi" to her, to which she returned the smile,  "hello" she replied.

On his face, Neil was sure there was a an expression which  kind of says " do I know  you?", Just as he was about to voice the question came  her sweet voice.

"can i sit here please?
Neil was  confused, why would a stranger want to sit with him  and  it seems like she read what was it  his mind because she quickly added "everywhere else is full ".
Now that she said it, Neil looked around and saw that it really is full. That cafe is packed with people not how it was some more moments ago and that made Neil wonder how much time it has been since he had been reminiscing old times.

It seems, he didn't reply to the young lady in front of him quickly enough because  she added again, " please, I am just waiting for someone and I will leave soon enough  except if someone is already sitting here"
"No, it's nothing like that  sorry I  made you feel like that, I was just surprised. Please sit. The sit is not taken"
Neil knew, he knew he should have said he was expecting someone. He knows that if Juhi was to entered the cafe and see them sitting together, she might misunderstand  the situation. He knows  he should have  said something but he  didn't, why? He had no idea. But something stopped him.

"Thanks" she said as she pulled out a chair and sat down.

Neil smiled at her before he checked the time on his phone.
17:49, the time said. That means he has been waiting for almost an hour.

'what the hell is making Juhi so delayed? Doesn't she know that I have thinks to do? Places to go and cases to solve?' he thought very angrily. Seriously, the only reason he came here is his mother. He could have left a long time ago but the thought of his mum getting annoyed with him as to why didn't he wait longer is what is stopping him.

He could easily here her saying, "why didn't you waits Tillu? What's so important?"

Taking his phone from the table where he kept it after checking the time, he tried calling Juhi again. She didn't answer the call but sent him a message saying
'will be right there'.

Neil sighed, he was annoyed she didn't even say sorry.

At that moment, as Neil sat thinking about how Juhi has changed and isn't really what she projects herself as and how he wishes he had not taken that route to the office that day.


When Neil reached the hospital, she had still been unconscious and him been kind of an influential person, he quickly got a doctor that could attend to her.

She was taken to the emergency room and after waiting some 15 minutes, the doctor told Neil, "she is alright. She is only unconscious because of the shock and the wound is superficial, the nurses have cleaned it up. She can go home as soon as she wakes up. You can just leave ACP Saab".

They shook hand and Neil said his "Thank you" to the doctor feeling very relieved that there isn't really any damage done to her. He thought about leaving and going to the office to go through some case files but then decided he would stay until she wakes up.
"I wouldn't want to wake up in a hospital bed alone" he mused. He found a sit and sat down, waiting for her to wake up.


"Hello?" Someone called to him bringing him out of his revere again. It was the lady sitting with him.

Seeing that she has gotten his attention she said, "I am going to get going, my friend is here. Thanks again and bye".

Neil smiled at her and said "it's okay. Bye".
With that, she turned and started walking out of the cafe.
If you would put Neil at a gun point, at that moment, he can't really tell you why, but she just couldn't take his eyes off that lady. He looked at her until she met with a guy, a short guy with beard and glasses, he gave her something and talked to her a little bit before that both went there way and Neil kept on looking at her until she was out of sight.

When he couldn't see her anymore, Neil looked at his phone again to check it and it was 18:10 and Juhi was still not there.

He got up, took out his wallet, take out some money, dropped it on the table and he Walked out of the café.

He couldn't keep on waiting. He just couldn't.


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