Prod: (talking to everyone) Yall stop the tears everything will be just fine, we just have to pray about it

They all join hands & pray then the baby’s heart monitor starts going down

Bee: (screaming) What is happening go get the doctor hurry up

Prod runs out to get the doctor & he ^ the nurses comes in quickly

Doctor: (checking the monitor) We need to get her to the operation room fast the baby heart rate is dropping fast this can be dangerous

The nurses roll Bee out the room

Britt: (screaming & crying) What is wrong with my sister & nephew

Cici: (tearing up) Britt calm down

Doctor: One of u may come to the operating room

Jazzy: Of course Prod is going

Prod: (standing there in tears) I don’t want to go Britt u can go

Britt: (still cryong) No Prod its your baby & my sister really needs u right now

Prod: (following the doctor) Ok, but yall please continue to pray for us cause I can’t afford to lose my woman & my child

The rest of them go out to the waiting room while Bee is in the operating room

Jazzy: (crying) I’m scared u guys what if something bad happens

Cici: Please don’t think like that everything will be fine we just have to wait & see

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