Chapter 9: I Love You

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July 10th, 1974

The weeks leading up to Freddie's departure kept him and Roger very busy with planning and making arrangements for the trip. Much like the last time, Freddie had gotten his flat in tip top shape for Roger to stay there and watch Tiffany and Oscar for the next few months. Roger helped him with the packing and shopping for things he would take with him to New York as well. When Roger wasn't helping Freddie with his preparations, he busied himself with work, sometimes even taking on extra or longer shifts to keep himself distracted from his feelings about Freddie's upcoming absence.

Roger had never been very good with expressing his feelings, it was a miracle that he even mustered up his courage to ask Freddie out all those months ago. As much as he hated to admit it, the thought of Freddie being gone until november hurt more than he thought it would. Four and a half months seemed like such a long time to go without seeing each other. Whenever the thought of being alone again crossed Roger's mind, he simply pushed it away and focused on something else, anything else. He hadn't told Freddie how he felt about him leaving because his boyfriend actually seemed very excited to be getting back to the city he once visited. Roger didn't want his feelings to get in the way of his boyfriend's plans or his excitement.

The couple's practically shared bedroom began to illuminate as the sun started rising over London. Roger was in a deep sleep after having gotten back to the flat around 2 in the morning. After taking on yet another long shift at work, Roger had gone to the pub for a few drinks to forget about the fact that Freddie would be gone the next day. By the time he'd stumbled out of his car (which he really shouldn't have been driving in his state) and up to the flat, Freddie was already fast asleep as he'd gotten tired of waiting up for him. Roger of course felt somewhat guilty for having shown up so late without warning but he didn't dwell on it too much, he didn't want to think much about anything.

Roger almost jolted up at the feeling of someone firmly shaking his shoulder. Slowly, his eyelids blinked open to the sight of Freddie towering over him.His usual warm and loving eyes seemed cold and disinterested, they were adorned by black circles underneath and his lips were pulled in a slight frown.

"Wake up, Roger, you have to drive me to the airport." Freddie said, giving his shoulder another quick shake.

The moment Freddie pulled away, Roger sat up quickly and immediately regretted doing so when he felt the immense pounding his head. A deep groan came from his throat as he pushed a hand through his messy blond hair.

"What- What time is it?" Roger asked, his voice was still groggy.

"Five." Freddie answered sharply, his back was turned toward his boyfriend as he messed with something on the dresser in the corner of the room.

Roger most definitely knew that Freddie was upset with him for coming home at that hour last night especially without telling him. And to top it all off, he was clearly suffering from a hangover which was a sure sign that he'd been out drinking without his boyfriend's knowledge. But Roger chose not to bring it up, he didn't want to pick a fight right before Freddie left.

"What time do you have to be at the airport again?" Roger asked, slowly getting himself out from under the blanket.

"Seven." Freddie replied before pausing, "What time did you come in last night?"

Roger took a moment to think before answering, "I'm not- I'm not sure exactly. I think.. Two?"

Although Roger couldn't see the look on Freddie's face, he knew his boyfriend was either frowning or pouting. Freddie let out a barely audible hum before he turned and made his way out of the room without another word. He was definitely upset and Roger couldn't blame him.

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