Chapter 6: The Big Talk

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March 18th, 1974

"Freddie..?" The name slipped from Roger's tongue with uncertainty.

Maybe his mind was playing a cruel trick on him. Maybe he'd gone mad from missing Freddie so much. He wasn't fully convinced that he was staring at Freddie who was standing at the shop's door with a smile plastered on his face. How could Freddie be standing here with him, he was supposed to be in New York City for at least another two weeks!

Freddie was lingering at the entrance of the shop. His lips were parted in a bright smile, teeth on display as his eyes met Roger's gaze. A lighthearted laugh came from his throat as he stared at the blond behind the counter. Roger's blue eyes had gone wide with shock, almost as if he'd seen a ghost and his mouth was slightly ajar. Freddie thought it was simply adorable.

"Now, darling, don't just stand there with your mouth open. You'll catch flies." Freddie joked before dramatically opening his arms, "I've just spent seven hours on a flight, I could use a proper greeting, you know!"

Roger's mind was still overwhelmed with shock but that didn't stop him from leaving the counter and quickly running over to meet Freddie's embrace. The moment they wrapped their arms around each other, Roger knew this wasn't a trick of his imagination. The two practically giggled together like a pair of teenagers while they swayed side to side in their embrace. Neither of them had realized just how much they'd missed each other up until that point. Roger felt a weight lift from his chest as he buried his face in the crook of Freddie's neck. God, the familiar scent of cologne that radiated from Freddie's black and yellow floral jacket was divine. Roger only pulled out of the embrace a few moments later to crash his lips into Freddie's.

Roger could feel that oddly familiar wave of nerves in his stomach, that fluttering that he knew all too well but would never get used to. He missed that sensation. At that point, Roger's hands were resting on Freddie's small waist meanwhile, Freddie had his own delicate hands resting lightly on either side of Roger's neck. It was sad to think that Roger had almost forgotten what Freddie's lips felt like on his. It was a feeling that he wanted to remember forever. Wasting no time, Freddie had even managed to push his tongue past Roger's lips, giving him an opportunity to explore the familiar territory of Roger's mouth. Roger had absolutely no complaints about the sudden action.

Nearly a minute later, the two pulled away from the kiss for some well-needed air. They took a quick moment to look each other over as it had felt like they hadn't seen each other in decades. Oh, Freddie looked divine as usual, so much so that Roger almost felt stunned by his beauty.

"Freddie I can't believe... What on earth are you doing here!?" Roger exclaimed.

"I wanted to surprise you." Freddie giggled, "Darling, I finished up my commission about a week ago which was much earlier than I intended." Freddie paused before he grinned mischievously, "You remember when I called you in the middle of the night a few days ago? I was packing up my things while we talked."

"You absolute cheeky bastard!" Roger said in shock though he was smiling. "I can't believe you're actually here right now! I thought I was going mad for a second there."

Freddie giggled, "You're not mad, I'm really here. And I'm not going anywhere."

Freddie then pecked Roger's lips sweetly. The action had caused Roger's face to heat up but he didn't mind it one bit.

"What time do you get off of work?" Freddie asked, "I'd like for us to catch up. You know spend some quality time together."

There was a slight flirtatious inflection towards the end of Freddie's sentence which left Roger grinning like a fool. Of course, Roger couldn't think of anything he wanted to do more than make out with Freddie on the old sofa in his apartment. And he had a feeling that that was exactly what Freddie had in mind as well. Luckily, his shift ended soon so it wouldn't be too long of a wait until they'd be alone doing as they pleased.

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