Chapter 4: New York City

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January 13th, 1974

Nearly a month had passed since Roger and Freddie's first kiss incident and the two had become practically inseparable as a result. Brian and John had certainly noticed how the two began to cling to each other. However, they just brushed it off assuming that it was a sign that Roger and Freddie had become the best of friends. While there was a beautiful romance budding between Freddie and Roger, the two of them had still hadn't discussed what it was leading up to. There was never any conversation about going steady. It was almost as if they were just regular friends who made out occasionally. There was nothing official about it. For weeks, Roger had thought over several different ways to begin that long-awaited conversation. But each time he went to talk about it, his nerves got the better of him and he would quickly stray the conversation elsewhere. There was just so much to talk about. Almost too much to talk about. Should they become a couple? Should they just continue their 'friendly' relationship as it was now? Did Freddie even want a real relationship with him? Thinking about it all left Roger overwhelmed.

That afternoon, the two were in Freddie's flat where they spent most of their time together. Thankfully, Roger had the day off of work and of course, Freddie knew that and insisted that they spent the day together. Whenever Roger came over, they more often than not hung out in Freddie's home studio. Like any other day he spent in Freddie's studio, Roger was sat on the floor. His back was leaning against the wall behind him as he watched Freddie dabble a lilac-colored paint on the canvas in front of him. Freddie was sitting on an old, chipped wooden stool while he worked. Freddie was dressed only in the pair of white trousers that he often worked in. The evidence of that being various dried up paint splatters all over the front of them.

Roger loved to watch Freddie work on anything whether that be a simple sketch or a full out masterpiece on canvas. Roger adored the way Freddie would pause for a few moments to think about his next brush stroke. Or the way he muttered an adorable little 'Shit!' after he made a small mistake. Sometimes, Freddie would stop for minutes at a time, admiring his work before asking Roger what he thought. And on most of those occasions, Roger was too busy admiring Freddie's lithe body in front of him to even notice what Freddie had done. Getting to sit with Freddie in his studio was quite the experience and Roger loved how special, how intimate it felt. It was something that only they did together, something nobody could ever take away from them.

"How's this looking so far, Darling?" Freddie asked, moving his shoulder slightly out of the way to give Roger a better view of the canvas.

"Hm?" Roger hardly heard the question.

This was one of those occasions where his mind was occupied with the sight of Freddie's unclothed back. Freddie picked up on the dazed expression Roger wore.

Freddie let out one of his oh so heavenly laughs before saying, "I said, 'how's this looking?' Or were you too busy staring at me in all my glory?"

Roger scoffed and he grinned, "Oh shut up. It looks good so far."

"Thanks, blondie, I think so too." Freddie smiled back before turning his attention back to the canvas.

Just as Freddie began to dabble paint on it once more, the house echoed with a loud ring coming from the telephone in the living room. Roger could hear Freddie mutter a curse word as he rushed to put his palette down and get to the telephone. When Freddie swung open the door, Oscar ran into the room and practically jumped into Roger's lap. Roger let out a huff from the sudden weight in his lap but he was happy to have the company while he waited for Freddie to return. About ten minutes passed by before Roger began to wonder what was taking Freddie so long. Freddie hated chatting over the phone and kept most calls to a maximum of 3 or 4 minutes. Perhaps the call was important.

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