You were making a reckless attempt at recreating night vision in your eyes.

The fact that it was dark didn't matter though, because in the midst of shifting your eyes, it backfired, badly.

Vertigo hit you like a sack of potatoes upside the head, making you nearly stumble into the busy street. The distorted and warped sound of a car trucking past scattered your mind further. It was like a warning shot of what could have happened if you hadn't stopped yourself from falling into the road in time.

You couldn't see...

Then without warning, your eyes started to burn furiously. Gasping, you back away from the road and hit your back against a wooden fence. You couldn't think straight as you tried your hardest to put everything back together. To stop all this.

Panting by yourself for a couple of minutes, with only the thrumming of the cars to comfort you, you were defenseless there.

The pain eventually started to slowly ebb away, but it never vanished completely. It stayed as a reminder to you to never to do that again.

Taking the chance, you opened your eyes to find your vision just fine. It was exactly the same as when you tried to shift it.

Just to make sure your eyes worked properly, you let them follow a black truck rushing by.

The cars were no longer loud and obnoxious since throughout the whole panic, you turned off your heightened sense of hearing, which seemed to be the trigger for the pain.

You're never doing that again...

Nothing seemed to be wrong, other than the subtle but still present throbbing sting in every blink.

Reaching up, you made a futile rub at the corner of your eye to stop the sting. Didn't work.

So it turns out, you can't enhance two senses at the same time unless you want it to hurt. It must have stemmed from your lack of experience in shifting. Whatever, not like you're going to shift often anyway. You only wanted to control your body's actions and systems perfectly.

Not, shifting.

Rubbing your eyes one last time, you pushed off the fence and continued your walk to school. Fortunately, no one, besides the driver in the cars, had seen your freak out with your quirk.

Entering U.A.'s school grounds without any more incidents, the sun was starting the peak out from the horizon. You stood at the looming gate, admiring the way the rays bounced off the amount of windows on the main campus. U.A. is beautiful.

Walking through the double doors, you came to your class. There were a surprising amount of students there waiting for classes to start. Maybe, you weren't as early as you believed...

Sitting down at your desk, you began to play Flappy Pig as you waited for the bell to signal the start of the day.

And when it did, the whole morning had been pretty boring. We went through all of our core classes like English, Japanese, and Mathematics. Everything had been pretty easy considering your quirk could help with recall and memories. Pretty handy if you do say so.

At some point of the day, you had made eye contact with Shoto. His eyes were strong in its gaze, but you couldn't hold it long. You shied away after a couple of seconds with dusty cheeks.

The exciting, "fun" parts of the day started in the afternoons where we had Hero Basic Training classes.


All Might had busted through the door on his tippy toes. Now, that takes talent.

The class became crazy at the appearance of the number 1 hero and couldn't stop talking. All Might walked up to his spot near the podium in exaggerated movements while the class murmured.

All Might then started to tell us about the class, how it's like Heroing 101, and that today we're going to battle one another. He pulled out a large card with the bold font of "BATTLE", on it.

"Today, we'll pull no punches!"

He then went on about how heroes need to look nice and gestured towards one of the walls where cabinets of hero costumes came out.

Everyone was starting to become high off excitement as All Might told us to go get dressed into our costumes. Getting your costume, you went into the locker room.

What the hell.

If you had known your mother had chosen your costume for the clothing allowance, you never would have been so happy. Because what you had gotten for a costume made you want to curl up in a ball and cry.

Your mother had given the school an exact replica of her hero costume.

Oh, boy.

Making it to the training grounds all dressed up, you made it a point to looked pissed. You originally wanted to fix a couple of things between you and Shoto, but you could barely face anyone, much less Shoto, in this costume.

You see, your hero suit consisted of this...

A one-piece black swimsuit, made out of flexible and easy to shift in fabric. Your feet were slipped into snug little golden combat boots, hard as metal, but also easy to shift with. The final accessory to your rather simple outfit was the cherry on top with two wide golden rings strapped around both of your thighs. Giving more material to, once again, shift with. The rings also brought more attention to your legs and gave a flirty, flashy vibe.

It wasn't the most modest of outfits with the main garment being a, motherfucking, tight fitting swimsuit.




Yay, this was going to be one fun training exercise.


Hey, hey, hey, I'm alive.

I uploaded this extra chapter, finally. 

I swear I nearly died last week like, probably, twelve times, I wasn't counting, you see.

Ain't nobody got time for that...


The next update will be Friday. Super excited and I'd just like the say, one of the near death experiences last week came from looking at how many people have read this book. Nearly died from happiness, thank you for reading this. <3

And without further ado,


His Wildcard ( Shoto Todoroki X Reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें