Chapter 1

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Kayla stared at the closed door for a few moments before Lila came into her view, staring at her in utter disbelief. 

"What the hell Kay? Thats Josh Hutcherson, JOSH HUTCHERSON" Lila said while flailing her arms around herself

"and? what about it?"

"what about it" Lila scoffed quietly to herself.  Logan was laughing to himself, a little distance away. when he smiled he always made Kayla smile. Lila looked at the both of them rolling her eyes.

"You know, your undying love for each other is disgusting" Lila said in a mocking tone, and laughed at Kayla's horrified face. "Anyways i have to go, Simons picking me up for lunch. bye lovebirds" she said in a sing song voice while sauntering to the exit of the studio. Logan walked over to Kayla. He was unbelievably tall compared to Kayla's 5'4 frame, it made her feel like a meercat compared to a giraffe. 

"wanna go get something?" Kayla asked, he nodded his head. He looked different today Kayla thought. More stern and focused, and with a jolt of relization- he looked nervous. Which only happened when he was auditioning for a movie. 

"Hey, Kay. I need to tell you something" He said, his voice trembling slightly.

A look of concern passed over Kayla's face "what is it?"

"Well when i say something i- i mean you and m-"  he got cut off by Josh blocking their way to the exit.

"Hey! Kayla, right?" Kayla rolled her eyes 

"Shouldn't you be, oh i dont know, working?" She said in a stern voice

"Well, yeah bu-" 

"So go work" Logan chimed in staring at him. Josh ignored Logan's comment and handed Kayla a ripped off piece of paper with his number scribbled in neat handwriting.

"Call me sometime?" Josh said with a charming smile on his face. Logan cursed under his breath

"Take a hint. Shes not interested" Logan said while Kayla pushed on his back turning him towards the exit.

"Look, can we talk after" Please she mouthed so Logan wouldnt hear. And she walked out of the studio, gripping Logans arm. Several moments of silence passed over the two when Kayla realized that she was still holding on to Logans arm and she let go abruptly.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" she looked at him curiously. he stared down at his shoes and shook his head, a smile tugging at the edge of his mouth.

"it was nothing, But Josh seems like a real catch" He said being his sarcastic self.

"You two have met?" Kayla was astonished, she didnt know why. They were two big movie stars, it would be weird if they havent met. but it was still weird to think of Logan as a celebrity, so she usually didnt think about it.

"We've met a few times, But iv'e got to say. i never scored his number. i need to commend you on that. You guys met for five minutes and he already gives you his number. You've got more game than me" he said laughing. they took an abrupt turn and went into their favourite coffee shop. It looked like a total dive on the outside- molding black brickwork and a fading sign overhead that said 'Java Jolt'". They walked in together, getting greeted by the regular cashier. They ordered their usual orders and took a seat by the burning fire place  where three other people were chatting among themselves sipping on their hot coffee.

"Logan, you have hundreds- thousands of screaming girls who love you. I, have none. Boys, i mean" Kayla said smirking.

"You have a few" Logan said quietly as their coffee arrived in front of them.


well that went by fast .. BETTER CHAPTER NEXT CHAPTER I PROMISE OMG. and i'll actually write this time, and soon :D

p.s i again redid this chapter, because i wasnt feeling the first one, it was okay, but .. you know. i hope this is ok (lol people are gonna be like ' this is the worst thing i have ever read'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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