Faces From The Past Part 2-Stuart Twombly

Start from the beginning

"Stuart?" I heard someone laugh. I turned around to see Y/N in the doorway with her signature light-up-a-room smile.

"Y/N," I stuttered. I quickly got out of my chair, almost falling over in the process. "What umm. . . What's up?" I walked over to her, fixing my cardigan.

"Ready for lunch?"

I could practically feel the rest of my group smirking at me. "I'd umm. . . Yeah," I stuttered. "Right now?"

"Yes, right now," she giggled.

My breath got caught in my throat as she smiled at me. I opened the door, holding it for her. She smiled appreciatively as she passed me.

I turned around to see my group smirking, wiggling their eyebrows, sending me thumbs up, or all three. Even though Y/N and I have gone to lunch every day, my group's reactions have never changed. I rolled my eyes as I flipped them off before jogging to catch up to Y/N.

Throughout lunch we talked about our usual topics; work, the internship, memories of our time together, past relationships, our families, and what we hope to be doing in five years.

Our latest topic was this summer and whether or not I thought my group would get the internship. Y/N's department had little to do with the actual decision, so we were fine to talk about it. I've told her about every mistake we made, every contest we lost, every time one of the old guys screwed up. Everything. . . Except how I feel about her.

With all the time we've spent together, I still haven't told her how I felt. Now that it was the last week, it wasn't any easier to get out.

Forget about the fact that she is working full-time at the company I'm applying for an internship with. She's been my best friend since we were kids. If I tell her and she doesn't feel the same, I could lose her forever. But if I tell her and she does feel the same, I could finally have what I've wanted since I first knew I was in love with her.

"There's no way we are going to get this internship," I sighed as we walked through the park, taking the long way back to Google Campus.

"You can't think like that, Stuart." Y/N said softly with a small smile on her face. "You never know. You guys may surprise Chetty and everyone else."

"Everyone else?" I looked up at her with a playful smirk. She laughed as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I smiled when I saw the red building on her cheeks.

"Well, everyone but me."

Her smile fell as she stopped walking, making me stop too. She hesitated before reaching forward and grabbing my hands in hers. "I know this summer has been rough, with your team and everything, but you guys are all really smart. You just need to work together. All of you. Sure, the old guys are a little out of their comfort zone but give them a chance. They might just surprise you."

I smiled as I intertwined our fingers. "You always know what to say, Y/N."

"Call it women's intuition," she shrugged playfully as she let go of my hands and continued walking.

"It's not just that," I said quickly. She stopped walking and turned around to see I hadn't moved.

I started to rant before I could tell myself to shut the hell up. "You always know how to make me feel better, Y/N. And it isn't because you're a woman or my best friend. It's because. . ."

I internally scolded myself when I hesitated. I couldn't look away from Y/N smiling at me.

"It's because what?" She asked, taking a small step closer to me.

"It's because you're. . ." I hesitated again.

"Stuart," she said, her smile faltering at my hesitation. "What is it?"

"I love you," I blurted out. "Like in love with you. Y/N, you're the love of my life and you have been since we were little. I thought the feelings would go away once we went our separate ways, but. . . When I saw you standing in front of the room at orientation. . . I was speechless. Then I talked to you after and hugged you and smelled that strawberry shampoo you've used since middle school. . . And I realized I am still absolutely, crazily, madly in love with you."

She had tears in her eyes as I finished my confession. For a brief second, I thought she was crying because she felt guilty she didn't feel the same. That thought was immediately thrown from my mind as she stepped forward, gently grabbed my face, and pulled me closer, pressing her lips to mine.

I didn't hesitate to kiss her back. The feeling of her lips pressed to mine was surreal. I couldn't believe that I was finally kissing the girl of my dreams. It was a feeling I never wanted to go away.

As our lips moved in sync, I wrapped my arms around her waist. She let go of my face and wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt her smile into the kiss as I pulled her closer to my chest.

Reluctantly, I was the first to pull away. We were both out of breath as we stared at each other, still wrapped in each other's arms. I opened my mouth, instantly closing it when I couldn't find the right words.

"I love you too, Stuart."

I smiled as I pulled her back in for another kiss. She giggled against my lips as I lifted her up and spun us around. We pulled apart when I set her back down on her feet.

"Stuart," she whispered, her forehead pressed against mine.

"Yes, my love?" I leaned back when she hesitated. "What is it?" I asked gently.

"What happens if you don't. . . If your group doesn't. . . What happens to us?"

"Nothing," I said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Y/N, I've been in love with you for so long. I'm not going to let a stupid internship take you away from me. If my group doesn't get it, I'll still move out here. I'll find another internship or get a job somewhere close by. That way, we can still be together."

"But. . ."

"But nothing," I interrupted her. "Nothing is going to stop me from being with you. Not a group of one overly eager leader, a self-physiologically abusive nerd, a horney chick, and two dumbass old dudes. Not an internship. Not even Google. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Stuart."

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