Jily or Lames? (With a little Blackinon)

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"Good, you're here!"

Sirius and Remus entered the Room of Requirement and Sirius sat next to his girlfriend.

"Any plans?" Marlene asked.

Sirius grinned. "Yeah. I'm going to 'accidentally' hit James with a Buldger. Then Lils can come visit him in the Hospital."

Remus winced. "We don't want to kill them, Padfoot."

Marlene looked thoughtful. "Maybe we should steal James's invisibility cloak, and levitate mistletoe above them?" 

Remus sighed with relief. "Yes. Now that's a thought."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Fine, if you want to be boring."

"Don't do something stupid so I'll kiss you." Marlene warned.

Sirius pouted. "Fine."

Remus held out his hand. Sirius and Marlene piled their hands on top.

"Operation Jily is ago."

"I thought we agreed on Lames."

"No, Jily."

"On three, Lames." 

"Uh, fine."

"One, two, three!"


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