Eleven: Hollow battle

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Ichigo and Orihime traveled away from the palace to wait for Nell and Szayel as a senkaimon opened up before them.  Both Nnoritora and Retsu were with them.  Both Szayel and Nell stepped out of senkaimon as a bold smile crossed Nell's face.

"You must be Nnoritora!" she exclaimed as she ran up to the guard tackling him in a hug.  Nnoritora wasn't sure how to react to Nell.

"You have to forgive Nell.  Her heart is in a good place but, she tends to act a bit childish." Ichigo stated causing Nell to turn her head sticking her tongue out at Ichigo.  Orihime couldn't help but to giggle at Nell's antics.  Retsu went up to Szayel a she smiled softly.

"Retsu Unohana." she stated extending her hand.

"Szayelaporro Granz.  But please just call me Szayel for short.  Everyone else does." the scientist responded as he shook Retsu's hand.  Aaroniero whom was nearby where the moon and some of the sun people were instructed Yammy to attack telepathically the castle as he would disquise himself as one of the people who goes and alerts the moon kingdom.

*What about the two members of his court that are with them?*

*They will do nothing if their prince is endanger.  And we know full well that the sun princess only knows protection spells.* 

*I hope that for our sake that your plan works out Aaroniero.* Yammy's appearance looked more human than a Hollow but like most of his kind, he had a hole in the center of his chest along with a jaw bone fragment hanging off of his jaw.  Yammy was dark skinned, rather large, and bulky unlike the others.  Yammy sighed out loud as he went over to the palace along with several Hollows.  "All right.......  Let's get this over with." stated Yammy as he transformed into his true hollow form.  Yammy became much larger as he became monstrous in size.  A part of purplish-gray helmet covered his head as his bone fragment fused into his face becoming his jaw.  His lower torso grows into eight large elephant-like legs on each side of his body.  Bone carapace covered his joints and became a bony tail club at the end of his large tail.  Long cylinder tubes came out of his back and elbows, and six nodules that cover the length of his forearms.  Yammy let out a large roar afterwards, he breathed in deep to suck in as many souls as possible.  The rest of the Hollows moved attacking after Yammy had released his loud roar.

A single guard managed to escape past Yammy and the Hollow army.

*The guard is heading your way Aaroniero.* Yammy told his companion mentally.

*Don't worry.  I will take care of it.* replied Aaroniero as he attacked the guard absorbing his essence to change into the guard's form.  Aaroniero whom now was in the guards form, got onto the horse.  Aaroniero then rode the horse to where he could sense the moon prince and his people.

"Lord Kurosaki......  Princess Orihime......  The palace is under attack by a large Hollow and an army of Hollows!" stated Aaroniero as he approached the group.  He made certain to mask his Hollow abilities so that they couldn't tell that he was the enemy.  Ichigo cursed out in a dark tongue as he told everyone to gather together as hold hands.  Aaroniero made certain that his tentacle hand was holding Ichigo's hand.  It was the perfect opportunity to start absorbing his power.

Ichigo instantly teleported the group back to the castle to see Yammy and a Hollow army attacking the castle.  The minute they arrived, Ichigo began to feel weak as if he used too much energy.  He knew that a simple teleportation spell wouldn't make him feel this weak and drained.  

*Shiro.....  What's going on?* asked Ichigo.

*I don't know King.  It feels like someone is taking my energy and power.* answered Shiro.  Ichigo looked visibly weak as he nearly collapsed but Aaroniero was still holding onto Ichigo as he helped the moon prince.

"Lord Kurosaki are you alright?  You don't look too well." stated Aaroniero with fake concern.  Both Nell and Szayel could see that something wasn't right.  Before the two moon people could tend to their king, Yammy attacked the group.  Orihime tried to raise up a barrier but the Hollow was far too strong as he caused the barrier to shatter like glass.  Yammy's super power punch threw Orihime away from the group and into a nearby tree.  

"Orihime!" Ichigo yelled out in concern as he tried to move his body but, found out that he was far weaker than he expected.  Ichigo knew that there was something wrong when the guard didn't rush to check on Orihime.  "You're......" Ichigo gasped out.  Aaroniero began to laugh as his form rippled like water revealing his true form.  His lower half looked like a giant octopus as his tentacle hand was still latched onto Ichigo.  When Nell and Szayel saw the Hollow whom held Ichigo, they tried to rush to their king's side only to be stopped by Yammy as his bone club tail smacked them into the ground.

"Not so mighty now are you Prince Kurosaki?" asked Aaroniero as Yammy charged up a ball of energy.  The super charged ball of energy shot out of Yammy's mouth ripping into Ichigo.  Orihime yelled out in terror as she watched Ichigo's lifeless body fall to the ground.

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