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Next chapter smutty ;)

"No need to explain." Niall says putting his hand up towards me as his eyes narrow at Harry. "What'd this fucker do to you, Charolette?" Niall bitterly asks, his eyes never leave Harry's body and I'm genuinely scared about what's going to happen.

Nialls body is completely tense, his chest is heaving, and his typical pale skin is painted a light pink.

He actually looks intimidating, for once in his life and I'm so stunned I feel like I might throw up.

"Niall...." I trail off and look to Harry for help because I'm genuinely speechless, but when I look at Harry he's even more intimidating.

His stance says everything about him, he's stiff and standing straight, making him seem much taller than he really is, and his fists are bunched at his sides.

"Niall, he's leaving now." I tell him and I try to step forward so he'll see how desperate I am for him to drop it, but his eyes never meet mine.

"Sorry mate, sometimes woman just want something more." Harry taunts Niall and the air is so thick that I feel like I'm suffocating.

"I swear to god, Charolette just say the word." Niall grits and I shake my head. "You aren't thinking, c'mon love, all your drinks will be on me and we will have a good night." I try to coax Niall, but it comes out bitter and more angry than I expected.

"Hear that mate? She just promised you a good night." Harry continues from behind me. "Get out Harry!" I finally yell, still not turning around as I try to catch Niall's gaze.

"No." Harry simply states and I finally turn to him. "No? No?" I yell in his face anger bubbling inside me.

It's one thing for him to be like this towards me. I get it, I'm just a casual fuck-buddy (if you could even call me that.) I'm the person he should hate, yet keeps coming back to, but he shouldn't talk to Niall like that. Ever.

"I said no Charolette." Harry says with a smug smirk and I can hear my ears ringing out of anger. My hand raised up and it was about to come crashing down before Niall spoke up.

"You're fuckin' dead." Niall says and that's all that happens before Harry shoves me out of the danger zone and I watch Niall push him onto my desk. Pens slowly roll off as Niall pins Harry down to the desk and his fists collides with his face.

For a split second, I think should just letting them brawl out, but my better judgement steps foreword.

"Niall!" I yell as Harry finally builds up enough anger to push Niall off of him.

Niall isn't strong, I mean he's lean but definitely not a regular gym attendee. I'm also positive this is his first fight, besides a drunken guy slamming a glass over his head and Niall trying to swing at him.

"Stop!" I yell as I step in front of Niall as he stumbles back giving me a decent amount of space to step between him and Harry.

"Niall, it's not worth it."

"You're really defending that fucking bastard? What the fuck Charolette?" He says stepping away from me and I open my mouth to say something but I close it immediately, because he's right. Why am I defending Harry?

"A classic lovers coral." Harry continues behind me and it takes everything for me to blow up on him, but I ignore him and continue to look at Niall who is seething in his spot.

"Niall...." I say again and he just shakes his head. "Text me when you're done fucking around with that tool bag." Niall says and before I can even react my office door is being slammed shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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