Dating Sam Would Include

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- Him always doing stupid impressions to make you laugh.
- Weird dates, like going to a bug museum or something like that.
- Going to all his singing events, no matter where they're at.
- Acting like a couple of kids.
- Going on vacation often.
- Him singing love songs to you all the time.
- Making out leading to love making, usually.
- Calling each other names, but in a loving way.
- Eating cold leftover pizza at three in the morning and watching movies.
- Cooking together in your underwear.
- You enjoy playing with his hair a lot.
- Judging the people you don't like together.
- He'll give you piggyback rides.
- And teach you how to speak another language.
- He always shares his food with you.
- And you think that's the most romantic gesture.
- You like talking to him about family, and the possibility of having your own someday.

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