How You Met Them

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You two met at Breadstix during the summer. You were waitressing there to make some extra money after you and your family had just moved there. He kept asking all the other staff there about you, and it eventually got to you that he wanted to meet you.
You two met while you were in school, during Glee club. You had just decided to join, after your friend Britney told you about it.
You met him during Comic-Con, while you were stationed in New Jersey because your father's in the military. You were dressed as Ahsoka Tano from your favorite animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He was dressed as a gold Storm Trooper, so of course you thought it was only natural to go over to him and say hi.
You met him during a dance class that he was part of in town near your old school. You decided to talk to him one evening after class, and you bonded over your love of music and dancing.
He has a locker next to yours at school, but you didn't notice him until he decided to say hi to you.
You met him in your science class, and you caught him staring at you. He smiled at you, and you smiled back... that's pretty much how it all started.
You two met while you were going dress shopping at the mall. You were looking for a dress for prom, and he was searching for a gift for his friend's birthday.

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