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"Are you sure he's the One? He looks a little-"

"Weak? I know. Just hear me out, okay? Do you know who his father is?"

"Some middle-class suburbian bastard who probably works as an accountant or something and wants his son to succeed in life. This is a fun game, Kyrus. Let's play again some time."

"I'm serious, Kadok. His father is- or was, in our timeframe- the Great Alekos, ruler of all the Trevian Provinces. That makes his brother Our Greatest Enemy. If we can convince him to come back to Jakarta-"

"He can defeat his own brother."

"And we would rule, Kadok."

"I like the sound of this. We have an ally located about 25 Creoles to the North, in what is known as Philadelphia. I will be back in a half-moon's time to review your work. Oh, and Kyrus?"


"50 Kedlams if he comes consensually and unharmed." 

The two kissed softly, Kyrus's glasses sliding off his face and clambering quietly into the soft grass that grew in neat patches up to the brick wall in which the window they were looking in had been placed. Kadok slid them back on his husband's faced before turning and, flicking his chestnut brown hair out of his brown eyes, murmured the words that would take him back home.

"Safe travels, my Kadok."

(Author's note: trust me, this won't make sense at all until I post some info about Kadok and Kyrus's world, Germania. So just roll with it for now until I have more time to update.)

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