Pip x Damien // Request 3 // Ouija Board!

Start from the beginning

"This is so fucking stupid" Cartman mumbled as he pulled away from the triangle, both Kenny and Pip look at the teen.


"Mmphdude Mmphyou Mmphcant Mmphdo Mmphthat"

"Fuck you, Kenny, I can do what I want" Eric barked unhappily, soon though Kenny himself mustered himself to leave the triangle aswell. It was only pip now, a nervous sweat slowly falling to the side of his pale head. The power within the board, surging around the room and making the air thick with nervousness, a heavy dread over their heads. While it was quiet, there was a crackle of intense lightning in the room, not enough to harm them, but to freak them out. You've seen it all in horror movies, almost everyone does something wrong, or one insults a ghost, one leaves, someone trusts the evil ghost, two are secrete murderous and the final cloche, all of them die. Typical ghost movie, but today, the ghost D A M I E N seemed pretty okay to scare two boys that have intention on harming his muffin.

"Fucking ghost is that all you can do?" Eric bickered with a big frown.

"You must not anger him" whispers Pip. Kenneth was scared, he was getting scared of pip, pip just sat there and stared at the triangle, almost possessed over it but not by a force but by himself, even Cartman felt a shiver. Staying silent, everyone stayed silent until pip spoke again. "What do you want?" Pip asked gently, staring back down at the board. The triangle had started to move, shaking slightly, it moved to Y then O U. Pip blushed a little, smiling slightly at his ghost friend. "Can you tell us if your bad or good?" the piece starts moving again. It spelled out B A D.

"Stop smiling dude, it's fucking creepy" Eric commented. The muffin looked up at him and gave him a patient yet and yet again another forgiving smile.
"Oh, I'm sorry Eric, I didn't mean to upset you." Philip apologizes politely but when Cartman tsks in annoyance the triangle was violently pulled under Pip's fingers and thrown right to Eric's face,  "Oh... Oh my, Cartman are you ok?" Pip asked with real concern, the smaller one scared now and then Eric flashes him a look and got up in a pace.

"You stupid French!" Eric shouted, his anger boiling hot so before Cartman knew, pip scoots away slowly from the Ouija board in startled at fever at the flames that circled around the board. The flame intensifies and Cartman jumps back at it, he looks at Kenny and then Pip. "What the hell?!"
Orange flames lick around the board, intensifies with passion of rage and Cartman jumps back at it, he looks at Kenny and then Pip once more. "What the hell?" Pip was still quiet as he watched the flames, and all pip could think was,
'this was his D A M I E N angry and possessive' once the flames got higher, Damien appears from the Ouija board and he looks slowly over to the two boys, one lived in poverty and the other ate with spoilt tempers, his black eyes watched Kenny scream, he caught on fire. Damien got impatient and clicked his fingers, Kenny's neck snaps and the blonde falls to the floor, limp.

"You bastard! you killed Kenny!" swore Cartman, his voice so mingled with hatred, anger and fear that it was clear that even a psychopath could prove to have emotion.

"you're about to end up like a roasted pig on a tray of delicious vegetables if you don't leave" Damien mocked; insulted, cursed, ridiculed. Cartman had without hesitation ran out of Phillips basement, out the house and as far as he could. Pip relaxed, his muscles letting go and curled up into a ball of comfort as the flames disappeared with no damage.

"Thank you, Damien..." Pip thanked his blue sapphires on the ground, no longer at Damien. Damien stared down at his England muffin and sat next to him, the Demon or "ghost" as Philip likes to call him snaps his fingers and the candles around them light up almost instantly. the blonde muffin rests his head on Damien's shoulder.

"What do I keep telling you?" Damien asked, looking away with blushed cheeks.
"To not let the boys or the girls use me in any way and to not let them bully me... I am sorry I used the Ouiji board without your permission. dear, these boys are very-" "AH! Damien! Bring Kenny back to life right now!" Pip demands, glancing at his corpse. Damien rolled his eyes. and looked at Kenny, he fixed him and sent him off somewhere so that he and his muffin boyfriend may be alone.

"Better?" Damien asked, not happy himself with healing the lewd boy that hid pornos under his bed, but. He couldn't say no to his Pip, not to that innocent face. Philip nodded with a little smile. with a small sigh aswell while Damien brushed the hair of the English boy who lived with no one and tucked was his golden hair behind his pale ear, kissing the cold forehead of pippy pip the cute English muffin.  "Don't let people control you pip, no one should.. You should be a little more strong, you don't have to things you don't want to do..."
Damien smiles, "Don't let bullies control you"

"Okay Damien, I promise..." Pip whispered back to him, hugging the Prince's neck tightly.

To be continued... Please vote and comment for more! Please stay safe!

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