{Imagine} - Howard || Bad Day

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It had been a long day at work;Well, everyday at work was like that but today was incredibly stressful. You had spent the day running along after everybody else, trying to clean up the mess they had made because apparently, they can't do their job properly. You had made phone calls, been in several meetings and written out so much paperwork. You were exhausted but were relieved to remember that it was Friday and you didn't have to go back in till Tuesday. The only thing that you wanted right now was to go home and spend time with your boyfriend, Howard. Your car pulled up outside your house and the light was on, so you knew Howard was home. You opened the front door to be greeted by Howard. "Hey." He smiled before kissing you. "How was your day?" You sighed. "It was hard work."

"Well, you're home now babe." He stated, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Do you want me to run you a bath or something?" He asked, considerately. You smiled. He was honestly the most thoughtful boyfriend ever. "I'd love that." You replied. "But we're going to Leonard's and Sheldon's for dinner aren't we?" That was a tradition but you didn't mind, this group had quickly become your closest group of friends, even Sheldon, which was surprising. "We don't have too." You turned around to look at Howard. "What do you mean?" You asked, your arms now wrapping around his neck. "We could stay here. I could run you a bath, we could order some Chinese and watch TV and just have a night for us." 

"That does sound good." You admitted as Howard kissed you gently on the lips. He ran his hand through your hair. "Then it's settled then. We'll stay here, order Chinese food and relax." His eyes glistened slightly. "You're the best." You stated as he went and ran you a bath. 

When you got in, the bath was hot and filled with bubbles just how you liked it. Howard had lit candles and even placed a few rose petals in the bath too. It was perfect and exactly what you needed to be able to wind down. Eventually, the water began to get cold, so you got out of the bath and into your cosy dressing gown. "Just in time." Howard smiled as you entered the living room. "Dinner's here." You noticed that Howard had Netflix set up on the TV ready and had ordered your favourite. "What did I do to deserve you?" You asked. He looked at you and removed a single strand of hair from your face. "I could ask you the exact same question." He stated.

The two of you sat on the sofa together, eating Chinese with a Netflix original on. The night grew later and the two of you were still completely hooked on your Show. "Thank you for tonight." You said as he kissed the top of your head. "You deserve it." He stated as you looked at him. "I love you Howard Wolowitz." He smiled. "I love you too."He stood up and grabbed your hand. "Where are we going?" You asked. "To show you how much I love you." He replied. 

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